Hello dear reader I hope you are well. Autumn is on its way, daylight hours are shorter, it's dark by 8 o/clock, the evenings are slightly chilly but the days are still sunny and warm. Read more
Hello dear reader, I hope you are well.
Well after a dismal start June has finally come through with some lovely summer weather. Still a few clouds in the sky but sunshine and higher temperatures forecast for the next few days. That will make Polly happy. Read more
Rufus' diary
Hello dear reader, I hope you are well. My news is - I've had fleas!! I don't know where I picked them up, the vet said they can be in the garden, humans can pick them up on their shoes, or the most common cause, from other dogs. Read more
Hello dear reader, I hope you are well and enjoying the glorious weather here in the UK, or coping with colder weather elsewhere. Needless to say Polly is enjoying it. Her daughter in Australia said they had minus 1 degree recently ... brrr I didn't realise it got that cold 😰 Read more Rufus' Diary
Rufus' diary
Hello dear reader, I hope you are well. My news is - I've had fleas!! I don't know where I picked them up, the vet said they can be in the garden, humans can pick them up on their shoes, or the most common cause, from other dogs. Read more
Rufus' diary
Hello dear reader, I hope you are well. The September weather here in the UK has been glorious, Polly is happy, she was dissapointed with July's weather, but it has redeemed itself for, hopefully, a few more days. Read more
Hello dear reader, I hope you are well. The September weather here in the UK has been glorious, Polly is happy, she was dissapointed with July's weather, but it has redeemed itself for, hopefully, a few more days. Read more
Hello dear reader Rufus here, I hope you are well. I don't have much news. We've had some frosty mornings followed by beautiful sunny days. Read more
Hello dear reader, I hope you are well. All is good here, not much to tell you though. Polly has started her Great Mince Pie survey, she bought some when she hosted her book club meeting last week. One of the book club ladies bought some apples for people to help themselves, Polly made an apple crumble. The crumble was a tad browned but I heard her say it tasted delicious. Read more
Hello dear reader, I hope you are well. All is good here, not much to tell you though. Polly has started her Great Mince Pie survey, she bought some when she hosted her book club meeting last week. One of the book club ladies bought some apples for people to help themselves, Polly made an apple crumble. The crumble was a tad browned but I heard her say it tasted delicious. Read more
Hello dear reader, I hope you are well. Phew, life sure does move at a galloping pace. September already, autumn has arrived, the nights are drawing in and the weather is cooling down, but we are still enjoying some lovely warm days.
One thing we like about autumn is blackberries. Polly has made some absolutely delicious blackberry and apple crumbles (yes I was given a small amount 😋) Read more
Hello dear reader, I can't believe it's 6 months since I last got my paws on the computer. Life is pretty much the same. Walks are the same, we're doing slightly longer ones now that the weather is nicer. We had a lovely walk with Maisie and her owner this morning, Maisie and I enjoyed running around. Read more
Rufus' Diary For Polly, our weather here in the UK is disappointing. We have had some gorgeous hot weather, then a lot of rain, mild days but no sunshine when the clouds stubbornly refused to move on, and at last today we've had lovely warm sunshine again. Our morning walks are still enjoyable though, we've even been out in the rain, and as some of you will know, we don't do rain. It was only once though, it was very light misty rain and didn't last for long, and as it was very muggy it was quite refreshing. Read more
Hello dear reader, I can't believe it's 6 months since I last got my paws on the computer. Life is pretty much the same. Walks are the same, we're doing slightly longer ones now that the weather is nicer. We had a lovely walk with Maisie and her owner this morning, Maisie and I enjoyed running around. Read more
Rufus' Diary
Hello dear reader. I hope you've had a good Christmas and new year.
It was quiet here, good food and wine, delicious desserts, chocolates
and some good films, the most notable being Daniel Craig in "No Time To Die"
Polly was happy. Read moreRufus' Diary Hello dear reader, Rufus here, got my paws on the laptop to write a bit about what's going on.
Autumn already, mornings are dewy and cool giving way to beautiful warm days. We have had some lovely hot weather but not enough for Polly to say it's been a great summer.
Autumn means blackberries, and Polly has been gathering loads for a blackberry and apple pie and a delicious crumble. I waited patiently on the lead each time while she picked them, it seemed to take ages. She kept saying what a good boy I was, and she did give me a few blackberries, and a few tasty morsals of cheese :-) I was hoping she wouldn't be picking any more because she doesn't think the red ones will ripen now, but she was checking them out this morning! Read moreRufus' Diary For Polly, our weather here in the UK is disappointing. We have had some gorgeous hot weather, then a lot of rain, mild days but no sunshine when the clouds stubbornly refused to move on, and at last today we've had lovely warm sunshine again. Our morning walks are still enjoyable though, we've even been out in the rain, and as some of you will know, we don't do rain. It was only once though, it was very light misty rain and didn't last for long, and as it was very muggy it was quite refreshing. Read more
Rufus' Diary
A few weeks ago we met Maisie and her owner. When we first met she was very nervous, her hackles were up, she was baring her teeth and growling at me. We've been meeting once a week since then to help socialise her and it's working very well. Now she's friendly, we run around and play, we get on very well. Read moreRufus' Diary
The vet who treated Buster sent this card and a packet of Forget Me Not seeds, which we thought was nice. It was hand written by him. We will never forget dear Busty. Read moreBuster's Diary It's 4 months since my operation. I went to sleep at the vets with four legs and woke up with three and adapted straight away (well you have to don't you), and have coped admirably ever since. Read more
Rufus' Diary Well I don't know what's going on, this is the third week that Polly has been at home all day long. She's been cleaning windows, emptying the shed of lots of rubbish, gardening, and making lots of quilts. Usually at this time of year, and especially as the weather is so glorious, she is out and about with her friend M. Read more
Buster's Diary Well I've had my leg x-ray'd and the the good news is that there is no arthritis, no fracture and nothing sinister, but the bad news is I still limp now and again and the lump is still there. I'm taking medicine and have to go back in 4 weeks time. Polly was never convinced it was a shoulder injury, she thinks it's a hematoma. Read more
Buster's Diary Polly didn't enjoy this morning's walk, she was ill prepared for the chilly wind, she felt cold. She was also tired from a long and busy day yesterday. September already! Hope you've had a good summer. We have enjoyed it, one or two days got a bit hot, Polly just stayed indoors trying to keep cool, and so did Rufy and me, otherwise we enjoyed laying on the cool grass - Rufy and me, not Polly! Read more
Rufus' Diary
It's ages since one of us posted - 5 months to be exact. So what have we been up to? well, not very much really, our lives are quite simple, walks, sleep, food and play.
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Rufus' Diary
Phew, are we all enjoying this amazing weather? Polly is mostly happy with it because she knows for a fact that come winter she will be hating the cold and damp!
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Buster's Diary Hooray it's Spring again! We had a couple of weeks of glorious weather, SL was wearing short sleeved t-shirts, then it turned chilly and she was back in long sleeves and a gilet - I bet you're impressed that I know that word! and now it's glorious sunshine again. Read more
Rufus' Diary Great walks these last couple of mornings, pretty snow. Buster and I love snow, in fact Buster got quite animated today, usually it's me that wants to run around and play and Buster is like "Stop bugging me, I just want to sniff everything" but today he was running around wanting me to chase him. Read more

The Dogs' Diary
Santa and a Christmas Pud
Oh dear, we don't know what to say.
A few days ago Polly's daughter went shopping and came back with these
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Buster's Post It's a while since we dogs did a post, not a lot has been happening, our lives are pretty much the same day after day - morning walk, sleep, food, bit of play, more sleep, a brush every couple of days and nail clipping now and again, calm routine until ........... cats, not one but two, moved in next door. Read More
Rufus' Diary
Well there's not much happening here at Chez Olive & Pru. In between hibernating, reading and working on her dolls house Scary Lady hasn't been doing much, she really doesn't like this time of year.
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Buster's Diary
Our walks are slightly better now that the weather is a little cooler, SL is still wearing shorts though, well knee length ones, she doesn't want to scare the horses! Despite going out earlier it was getting uncomfortably hot by the time we were on our way back.
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Buster's Diary - Rufus Can Swim!
He didn't know he could until he went into a pond that was deeper than he thought! we're used to paddling around in shallow streams. We have been doing a longer route for our morning walks, SL thinks it will help her shed the few extra pounds that she has put on over winter. What is it with humans and their weight?! The route takes us along the side of a stream that opens out into a small pond. Read more
Buster's Diary
Rufus has hurt his paw again, it's very red and sore and he's hopping around on three legs, so no walks for him for a day or two. Our walks are very wet and muddy at the moment, two songs go through SL's mind when we're out - Mud Glorious Mud and Slip Sliding Away. Part of our walk takes us across or beside this small stream, depending on the water level. Read more
Rufus' Diary
The weather is starting to get chilly in the mornings and SL is wearing her winter coat. Some mornings she wears her gloves and hat, but she usually takes these off after about 20 minutes. The horses are wearing their coats too.
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Buster's Diary
One of our walks involves crossing this bridge, over a stile and into a field that leads into other fields. It's a nice walk and used to be a regular one until the bridge broke. We continued to use it occasionally until the day I refused to cross it on the way back from our walk, it was starting to get a bit wobbly.
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Rufus' Diary
Buster's Diary - Harvest Mites
The Dog's Diary - Today's Walk
Oh dear, look at us, soaked to the skin. Scary Lady got it so wrong today. Even she got wet as she only had her flimsy shower coat on.

Buster's Diary
The chicken slayer. I just chased it and caught it, it's what us dogs do. Read more
Rufus' Diary
Tuesday: Tearing across the fields like we do, winding Buster up to chase me knowing that he can never catch me because I can turn on a sixpence, then ouch that was painful, caught my foot on something, need to slow down a bit. Back home and it's bleeding profusely and I have to hold the leg off the ground. Read more

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A Muddy Walk
I don’t like cold weather, but one advantage of frosty mornings is the mud takes longer to soften, so the dogs don’t get too dirty. However a couple of days ago we met some friends who have a beautiful white Husky cross, and while we were talking the dogs were playing.
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Grumpy Old Man
Buster is four now and in danger of turning into a grumpy old man! Bless him, he does have his moments though.
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Meet the Dogs
A few weeks ago we met Maisie and her owner. When we first met she was very nervous, her hackles were up, she was baring her teeth and growling at me. We've been meeting once a week since then to help socialise her and it's working very well. Now she's friendly, we run around and play, we get on very well. Read moreRufus' Diary
The vet who treated Buster sent this card and a packet of Forget Me Not seeds, which we thought was nice. It was hand written by him. We will never forget dear Busty. Read moreBuster's Diary It's 4 months since my operation. I went to sleep at the vets with four legs and woke up with three and adapted straight away (well you have to don't you), and have coped admirably ever since. Read more

Buster's Diary Well I've had my leg x-ray'd and the the good news is that there is no arthritis, no fracture and nothing sinister, but the bad news is I still limp now and again and the lump is still there. I'm taking medicine and have to go back in 4 weeks time. Polly was never convinced it was a shoulder injury, she thinks it's a hematoma. Read more
Rufus' Diary Polly, Buster and I don't like this weather, even when it's not raining it's still wet, and when we run across the fields we get mucky which means ..........we get hosed down when we get home. Legs and feet aren't too bad, but the under carriage, oh dear, the indignity, it's not nice, although Polly is very careful! Read more

It's ages since one of us posted - 5 months to be exact. So what have we been up to? well, not very much really, our lives are quite simple, walks, sleep, food and play.
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Buster's Diary
Not much has been happening here, we had a quiet Christmas. A few social events and catching up with family. On Christmas day Polly and her daughter took me and Rufus out for a walk wearing these. Read more
Not much has been happening here, we had a quiet Christmas. A few social events and catching up with family. On Christmas day Polly and her daughter took me and Rufus out for a walk wearing these. Read more
Rufus' Diary
Phew, are we all enjoying this amazing weather? Polly is mostly happy with it because she knows for a fact that come winter she will be hating the cold and damp!
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What does it mean?
Well it has two meanings
It can mean a miserable unhappy existence or, as in the case of our dogs, a wonderful life. Take a look at what life is like for Buster and Rufus. Read more
The Dogs' Diary
Santa and a Christmas Pud
Oh dear, we don't know what to say.
A few days ago Polly's daughter went shopping and came back with these
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Buster's Post It's a while since we dogs did a post, not a lot has been happening, our lives are pretty much the same day after day - morning walk, sleep, food, bit of play, more sleep, a brush every couple of days and nail clipping now and again, calm routine until ........... cats, not one but two, moved in next door. Read More
Rufus' Diary
Well there's not much happening here at Chez Olive & Pru. In between hibernating, reading and working on her dolls house Scary Lady hasn't been doing much, she really doesn't like this time of year.
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Buster's Diary
Our walks are slightly better now that the weather is a little cooler, SL is still wearing shorts though, well knee length ones, she doesn't want to scare the horses! Despite going out earlier it was getting uncomfortably hot by the time we were on our way back.
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Buster's Diary - Rufus Can Swim!
He didn't know he could until he went into a pond that was deeper than he thought! we're used to paddling around in shallow streams. We have been doing a longer route for our morning walks, SL thinks it will help her shed the few extra pounds that she has put on over winter. What is it with humans and their weight?! The route takes us along the side of a stream that opens out into a small pond. Read more
Merry Christmas from Buster, Rufus and Moi
I can't believe it, Christmas Eve and I've mowed the lawn! it's been bugging me for a while. I didn't spend too much time on it and I didn't trim the edges but it looks much better. Read more
Buster's Diary
Rufus has hurt his paw again, it's very red and sore and he's hopping around on three legs, so no walks for him for a day or two. Our walks are very wet and muddy at the moment, two songs go through SL's mind when we're out - Mud Glorious Mud and Slip Sliding Away. Part of our walk takes us across or beside this small stream, depending on the water level. Read more
Rufus' Diary
The weather is starting to get chilly in the mornings and SL is wearing her winter coat. Some mornings she wears her gloves and hat, but she usually takes these off after about 20 minutes. The horses are wearing their coats too.
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Buster's Diary
One of our walks involves crossing this bridge, over a stile and into a field that leads into other fields. It's a nice walk and used to be a regular one until the bridge broke. We continued to use it occasionally until the day I refused to cross it on the way back from our walk, it was starting to get a bit wobbly.
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Rufus' Diary
It's been bit of an eventful week here at chez O&P. Poor little Buster, those horrible harvest mites are giving him a hard time. The Frontline spray that SL used on his legs was effective but she didn't think about spraying his chest.
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Buster's Diary - Harvest Mites
I'm suffering from harvest mites again. Last year my legs were so red they looked as if they had been burned. It isn't quite so bad this time because Scary Lady started treating them sooner.
The Dog's Diary - Today's Walk
Rufus' Diary - Stinky and The Chicken Slayer
Stinky, how outrageous, calling me such a name, me whose name has been used in the same sentence as elegant aristocrat.The chicken slayer. I just chased it and caught it, it's what us dogs do. Read more
Buster's Diary - How Scary Lady got her name
Monday's walk: Got soaked. The weather was good when we went out but the storm clouds soon appeared. It was all right for scary lady (that's her who does this blog thing - will explain later) she had her coat on.
Read moreMonday's walk: Got soaked. The weather was good when we went out but the storm clouds soon appeared. It was all right for scary lady (that's her who does this blog thing - will explain later) she had her coat on.
Rufus' Diary
Tuesday: Tearing across the fields like we do, winding Buster up to chase me knowing that he can never catch me because I can turn on a sixpence, then ouch that was painful, caught my foot on something, need to slow down a bit. Back home and it's bleeding profusely and I have to hold the leg off the ground. Read more
That Pesky Cat
Now and again when Rufus is in the front lounge he does an eerie bark, a sort of cross between a bark and a howl, I know its Rufus and I know why. Read more
A Muddy Walk
I don’t like cold weather, but one advantage of frosty mornings is the mud takes longer to soften, so the dogs don’t get too dirty. However a couple of days ago we met some friends who have a beautiful white Husky cross, and while we were talking the dogs were playing.
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Grumpy Old Man
Buster is four now and in danger of turning into a grumpy old man! Bless him, he does have his moments though.
Rufus was a rescue dog and is about two years old. He is a real character, crazy and funny.
Read moreBuster
Buster was such a cute puppy but he was a little devil in the garden.

Meet the Dogs
Rufus (left) and Buster are Lurchers, Rufus has more greyhound in him, Buster has more terrier.
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Love them. They are lucky to have you and vice versa!
ReplyDeleteThank you Sue :-)