19 May 2022

Leonardslee Gardens

On Tuesday M and I had a lovely day at the beautiful Leonardslee Gardens. With spectacular rhododendrons and azaleas, flora and fauna it's probably the finest woodland garden in England. AND......... they have a superb dolls house collection, more, much more, about that later.

Feeding time for the resident wallabys. The weather was glorious, they were content to stay in the shade or sleep rather than eat. I took the photos through a gap in the wire fence, the sun was very bright and I couldn't see very well so I was pleased with how they turned out. I think the keeper said there are 11 females and one lucky male in this enclosure. Some youngsters go to other locations and a few are free to roam around the 240 acres.

There are lots of sculptures around the gardens, most of which were very nice,
but we didn't understand the inscriptions with them!

Ducks feeding and preening

Does anyone know what this plant is?

I've told Rufus if he keeps hassling me when he wants his dinner
he can be replaced by one of these ðŸ˜Š !!

I have so many photos of the dolls house exhibition
I'm going to give them a post of their own next!

 Be safe and well   
Polly x


  1. What a riot of spectacular colours and beautiful greenery!

    1. That's the right word - it is a riot of colour.

  2. Those are spectacular Azaleas! The sculptures are interesting. Is the one supposed to be a punk rocker from the 80s? Lol!

    1. ha, ha, yes you're right Bijoux, I didn't think of that until you mentioned it :-)

  3. A beautiful garden indeed. A lovely home for the wallabies. The sculptures are intriguing, Bijoux's right, that looks like a punk rocker! And yes, Rufus should behave himself or a metal substitute could be on the cards!

  4. From this post it's easy to see that Leonardslee Gardens as a wonderful place to explore. It was nice to see the wallabies too in a lovely home. Enjoyed all the sculptures too and Rufus should be careful it seems.

    1. Hello Beatrice, the wallabys do have a lovely life.
