13 June 2022

Rufus' Diary

Hello dear reader, I can't believe it's 6 months since I last got my paws on the computer. Life is pretty much the same. Walks are the same, we're doing slightly longer ones now that the weather is nicer. We had a lovely walk with Maisie and her owner this morning, Maisie and I enjoyed running around.

The bonfire is still burning

That machine in the distance is going to cut the grass.
I think it's used for winter feed. 

The rape has been glorious again. It's turning now. Not so much has been grown this year because the cabbage stem flea beetle has decimated oilseed rape crops for several years.

A local farmer is growing linseed as an alternative. It's very pretty.

The abandoned car is still there. Polly thought someone might
have cut the top off and planted flowers in it by now!

I think these are Red Horse Chestnut 

pretty Dog Roses

The garden roses are beautiful

Polly is hoping for some hot weather for breakfasts on the patio

Look what was found just under my eye. Polly's grandson was the first to spot it, he thought it was a seed or splinter, Polly thought it was a skin tag. The next day Polly's daugher Amanda had a look and thought it was a tick, despite it being slightly larger Polly still thought it was a skin tag. They got a torch for better light and then suddenly it moved, and then they saw the legs. Amanda swiftly pulled it off with a pair of tweezers. They've always checked my coat, skin and paws, but now it's like airport full on body checks!

Polly has discovered Haiku which she thought was rubbish until she properly read about it and now she's thinking about them all the time! Here's one of them

Rufus is sleeping
Perchance may he be dreaming
Of cats for chasing

Not bad for a first attempt, she might improve, or give up!

 Be safe and well   
Rufus 🐾


  1. Fancy finding that
    Under Rufus's eyeball
    A penny on tick

  2. Replies
    1. Polly has never seen them on any of her previous dogs.

  3. Ticks are wretched things, my husband gets one in either his arm or his leg every week at this time of year when he has been in the garden - they don't seem to care for me though. They arrive in the garden via our visiting deer. We have a special tick remover which is really good for getting them out.

    1. I didn't know they get on humans as well.

  4. Poor Rufus with no computer time and body checks! I'd say Polly is a lovely Haiku poet!

  5. Always nice to have a friend to walk with! So sorry about the tick.

  6. I was the Anonymous. I had trouble with commenting the last few days.

    1. Thank you Bijoux. We've had connection problems.

  7. Dear Rufus, glad you can have longer walks as the weather improves. It looks like the abandoned car is in someone's front garden. Couldn't they have reported it? Unfortunate about the tick, I hope it didn't come from you, Rufus! Haiku are great fun. I look forward to you penning a few more!

    1. Thank you Nick. The car is beside a private house but I think the land past the tree is owned by the council.

  8. How nice to find a post by Rufus who did a great job with this one. Ticks can be annoying and dangerous to pets and humans. That abandoned car looks like it might have been a fun one to drive, and seems more neglected than anything else.

    1. Thank you Beatrice. I think the car would have been a desirable one when it was new. It's a shame that it has ended up as a rusty, broken mess.

  9. I know I left a comment here. Blogger ate it!

    1. We are living in strange times with Blogger!!

  10. Yikes! Keep being watchful of those ticks, Rufus! The roses are gorgeous, and I can't imagine why that yellow sports car is still abandoned. The patio and shed are charming. Polly definitely needs to enjoy that spot. Have a great week, and thanks for taking me along on your walk. Hugs.

    1. Thank you Nancy, it's good to hear from you :-)
