25 January 2020

Buster's Diary

Well I've had my leg x-ray'd and the the good news is that there is no arthritis, no fracture and nothing sinister, but the bad news is I still limp now and again and the lump is still there. I'm taking medicine and have to go back in 4 weeks time. Polly was never convinced it was a shoulder injury, she thinks it's a hematoma. I rest a lot, (we Lurchers are couch potatoes anyway) and I have to stay on the lead for walks which isn't good because I like to sniff every blade of grass so Polly has to keep stopping, she likes to keep walking. Ordinarily I would stop then run to catch up, stop, run ..... and so on.

I'm glad I'm not a horse, they are out in the fields in all weathers, I think they go indoors at night time though.

We're pleased with the frosty weather, frost means harder ground which means no mud, which in turn means .................... not having to be hosed down when we get home, hooray.

 There is a lot of mud


The badgers have been busy adding another wing to their home! The first one is where I am standing and this one nearest the camera is the latest one.

Polly is doing her usual hibernating, making quilts and working on dollshouses. She has been feeling a bit under par lately - I think it's mainly this time of year but I did overhear her tell a friend that she is beginning to feel her age!! Don't tell her I told you that! :-)

Be warm and well ~ 
Buster 🐾


  1. I'm glad there is nothing sinister in your leg/shoulder, Buster! Hoping the medicine helps. I'm sorry Polly is feeling a bit under the weather, but quilts and dollhouses are such a lovely way to spend time. As another woman "of a certain age," I empathize, though. Mentally, I'm still in my 30's, but sometimes my body reminds me that I haven't been in my 30's for a while now!

    1. Hello Deborah, it's quite a while since Polly was in her 30's!!

  2. Dear Buster, glad there's nothing sinister, and I hope you'll soon be off the lead again and sniffing everything in sight. You're very lucky to be a mutt in a nice warm house and not a horse stuck in a freezing icy field.

    1. Thank you Nick. Yes we are very lucky, I wish all dogs could have a good home like ours.

  3. Well, here's hoping Buster is well on the mend and the medicine helps. Between you and Polly, quite a pair...

  4. I second EVERYTHING Deborah has said Buster!

    from another lady of a certain age

  5. Glad all is well with you Buster but sorry Polly is a little under par, this time of year doesn't help so hopefully some warmer weather may help.

    1. Thank you Lorraine. Yes I'm sure Polly will feel much better with some warmer weather.

  6. That is good news Buster, but really hope that your limp clears up soon and goes on its way. Give Polly a doggy hug - I don't think that the weather or age helps, but it may also have something to do with the depressing world news that continually confronts us all on a daily basis.

    1. Thank you Rosemary, doggy hug given :-) People were talking about depressing news today and Polly agrees that that could have an effect on peoples moods as well.

  7. Good news, Buster! Stay warm and well. George says woof.
