1 January 2019

Buster's Diary

Not much has been happening here, we had a quiet Christmas.
A few social events and catching up with family.
On Christmas day Polly and her daughter took me and Rufus out for a walk wearing these

Santa outfit for Rufy
Christmas pud for me
Thank goodness we didn't see anyone we knew, our street cred would plummet!
It was a lovely crisp frosty morning.

We each got a variety box of goodies and Rufy got a really nice squeeky toy.
I didn't get one, I don't play with them like Rufy does, I only want it when he has it!

Polly's son-in-law cooked a delicious Christmas day dinner, 
Polly made a lovely boozy trifle and everyone ate too much!
We had a few leftover bits.
We didn't wear the outfits on Boxing Day!

And here we are at the beginning of a new year. Polly isn't going to make any new year resolutions,
but she needs to lose the weight she has gained over the festive season!

Wishing you a happy and healthy 2019

~Keep warm and well ~
Buster & Rufus


  1. Happy New Year Polly - if you felt like, I wonder what Buster & Rufus thought💚

  2. Rufy is so darned cute. I'm in love!

  3. It is always funny to "hear" what our pets are thinking and so this gave me a good chuckle! :D
    Happy New Year to you Polly and to the wise and observant Buster and Rufus, too!

    1. Thank you Elizabeth. I like to imagine life from their point of view :-) x

  4. Replies
    1. Thank you Troy, Happy New Year to you too.

  5. Happy New year, Buster and Rufus! Love the christmas pud look! (HNY to Polly too!)

  6. Hey Buster, will you please pass on my New Year greetings to Polly, tell her I join her in her resolution to lose weight gained over the festive season, good luck to us 😊

    1. Hi Grace, yes I will. She's not doing great with the losing weight thing at the moment, some days are good, some not so good, but she is confident that she will lose a few pounds eventually! x
