3 January 2022

Rufus' Diary

Hello dear reader. I hope you've had a good Christmas and new year.
It was quiet here, good food and wine, delicious desserts, chocolates
and some good films, the most notable being Daniel Craig in "No Time To Die"
Polly was happy.

I got some nice treats and a new squeeky, that green ball that I'm carefully guarding.
We haven't been out for many walks because it has been almost non stop rain since
Christmas eve 😞 We had a nice walk yesterday, it was an organised village walk, lots of people turned up, the weather was lovely to start with but then - yes - more rain. It was almost 4½ miles, we're not used to that distance, Polly had to recover on the sofa!!

In the week leading up to Christmas we had some lovely frosty mornings

I like frost because I don't get muddy and don't have to be hosed down when we get home!

The badgers have been busy again.

There are some fresh holes in the field.
I don't think the farmer will like that, he ploughed over some last year.
The horses are wearing their winter coats, this is a pretty one.

"You lookin at me"

🐾 Be warm and well 🐾 
Rufus x


  1. Oh, Rufus. You are wonderful. I'm glad Polly was happy and than you had lovely treats!

  2. Dear Rufus, glad you had a good Christmas with your new squeeky. I do agree that frost is preferable to mucky melted snow. I love the horse's fancy winter coat. But it's no good trying to have a chat with the badgers, they're deep inside their setts and rather unnerved by big dogs!

    1. Hello Nick, I did get a bit close to the badgers front door, I wouldn't want to worry them, Polly soon called me away.

  3. Don't wear out your human, Rufus! Take it easy on her, the poor thing -- remember, she's NOT a dog!

    1. LOL, I will Debra, she doesn't do too bad for her age!!!:-)

  4. Happy New Year!
    The horses look happy with the beautiful coats.

  5. It was good you could get out for a walk. Take it easy on your human though!

  6. Sounds like a nice holiday, Rufus. Do you have a pretty coat,too?

    1. I do Bijoux. A couple of years ago Polly's daughter bought Christmas outfits, a Christmas pudding for Buster and a santa suit for me. We wore them a few times but I didn't wear mine this year.

  7. Thank you, Rufus, for sharing the holiday adventures that you and Polly enjoyed and the best to you both for 2022.

  8. Sorry to hear about all the rain. Happy New Year.

    1. Hello Hena, we've got frost again, much better :-)

  9. Nice to hear from you Rufus - enjoy your new green ball!
