26 July 2018

Rufus' Diary

Phew, are we all enjoying this amazing weather? Polly is mostly happy with it because she knows for a fact that come winter she will be hating the cold and damp!
We've been going out earlier in the mornings, it's lovely - cool and fresh. And we meet and walk with Ellie Labrador, Charlie Westie and Norman Springer Spaniel whose tail never stops wagging. He's a real character. I was hoping Polly would have some photos but she's so busy talking she forgets and I don't have time to wait!!

Our favourite route goes through bluebell wood, then there is more shade along the way,
 and streams for us to have a drink and a cool down.

I like this one, Buster doesn't. It's easy to access but I think the roots of the trees might scare him, 
and yet he goes down a vertical bank into another one farther on!

That's Buster with his phobias, bless him. 

This stream has dried up
Polly has stopped us going in any streams because there have been reports
of dogs suffering from internal bleeding after ingesting parasites from river water.

Continuing with the theme of water Polly bathed Buster the other day, he was not amused, but he did look and feel so much better. She hasn't got round to me yet, I don't get as dirty as Buster, 
Buster is a little muck magnet :-)

Look at the state of the lawn.

Although I am the one who finds the disgusting fox poo and have to be washed when we get home!!

Keeping Buster cool with a wet towel over him

Polly was really pleased with this action photo.
Me and Busty had been playing around and I had just jumped over him.

Don't know what these are,  we think they are weeds, but they are quite pretty.

and these.

In between days out, her usual stint at the Salvation Army and carpet bowl matches where she has suffered humiliating defeats in the singles games, Polly has been spending her time in the craft room keeping cool while working on her dolls house and painting pictures, some are ok, some have gone in the bin! She will probably tell you about it soon.

~Be well, and if you're in the northern hemisphere stay cool! ~


  1. Thanks for that report, Rufus. I quite fancy jumping in a stream myself at the moment, but I'll pass on the fox poo if you don't mind. I think the plant is Hemp Agrimony.

    1. Hi John, many thanks for the plant name, Polly says you know lots about the English countryside :-)

  2. Great report, Rufus. I'm seeing loads of fun here and you all are so darned cute!

    1. Thank you Jeanie. We do have lots of fun on our walks x

  3. You certainly have some great adventures Rufus, not sure I fancy the fox poo but a great walk.

    1. Hi mama, yes I know what you mean about the fox poo. Polly goes ballistic when I roll in it! x

  4. Rufus has obviously picked up this blogging lark very quickly. A very comprehensive report!

    Are there any dogs that like being bathed? We had two black Scotties when I was a kid and they both hated baths!

    1. Hi Nick, he certainly has. One time I bathed them I did Rufus first and Buster went straight under the trampoline hoping I wouldn't see him!!

  5. Hi Rufus, I haven't been around for ages but it was lovely to catch up with you all. Raining today which the garden needs but I'm missing the sunshine already. Might need a beach fix at the weekend. I will try and find time to blog about it if I do. Lots of love to you, Buster and of course Polly! Sarah x

    1. Hi Sarah, it's so good to hear from you. Polly kept visiting your blog hoping that you were ok. She will be pleased to hear from you xx

  6. Not sure why I'm commenting as unknown! It's ME Sarah Mac x

    1. hi Sarah, it's good to hear from you. Hope you're all well xx

  7. An enjoyable romp, Rufus. Tell Polly I'm sorry I'm so bad at dropping in (not enough hours in the day), but that I hope all is tickety-boo. PS - Great photos!

    1. Thank you Mike. Polly is sorry she hasn't visited you for ages either, same problem, not enough hours. All is well, she's back now, preparing a post and visiting her favourite blogs :-)
