8 April 2020

Rufus' Diary

Well I don't know what's going on, this is the third week that Polly has been at home all day long. She's been cleaning windows, emptying the shed of lots of rubbish, gardening,  and making lots of quilts. Usually at this time of year, and especially as the weather is so glorious, she is out and about with her friend M.

Anyway life is much the same for Buster and myself, walk, sleep, play and eat.

The weather has been gorgeous, Polly isn't even wearing a coat when we go out for our walks! She went from coat to gilet then just a long sleeve T-shirt.

The horses don't need their coats either

They're enjoying the lovely weather

Dear Busty is still limping. He was due to have a biopsy taken just before this staying indoors thing started but the vet then closed except for emergencies. He's still taking a painkiller, and he never yelps or whines when he stands, walks or runs. He's a lovely stoic old boy.

We were washed the other day, we weren't best pleased but we did need it, and we look much better. 

The bluebells are starting to bloom
Spring is here

Be warm and well ~ 
Rufus 🐾


  1. It really is a dogs life. So glad all is well.

    1. I wish all dogs could have the life R&B have.

  2. Thanks to Rufus for the guest post which was enjoyable to read.

  3. Lucky you, Rufus, to have your Polly home. I hope you are getting lots of extra attention!

    1. Hi Je.anie, yes we are getting lots of attention, it's lovely to be out in the garden so much

  4. Lovely pictures!! I love all animals and we have 5 dogs, 3 cats, 2 goats, 6 chickens and 5 ducks currently, lol. It's a handful! I hope you have a wonderful weekend! Thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting :-)


    1. Hi Jill, phew, your pets must keep you very busy. How lovely though.

  5. Dear Rufus, I expect like other pets you're having a great time just now, with Polly at home a lot more and plenty of daily walks. Busty's not so happy but hopefully soldiering on. Dogged, you might say.

    1. Hi Nick, yes we are enjoying the extra attention. I like the "dogged" comment :-)

  6. Dear Rufus, thank you for the update on life with Polly. Your photos bring a smile to my face. Horses in a pasture, walks through a field of bluebells -- so lovely to see spring in your corner of the world. Enjoy your time with Polly! Hugs, Nancy

  7. Thanks for the laugh, Polly.
