1 July 2021

Rufus' Diary

For Polly, our weather here in the UK is disappointing. We have had some gorgeous hot weather, then a lot of rain, mild days but no sunshine when the clouds stubbornly refused to move on, and at last today we've had lovely warm sunshine again.
Our morning walks are still enjoyable though, we've even been out in the rain, and as some of you will know, we don't do rain. It was only once though, it was very light misty rain and didn't last for long, and as it was very muggy it was quite refreshing.

Crops of grass have been cut

and collected

Detectorists have been detecting. They were in the opposite direction
to where we were going so Polly didn't get a good close up photo.

The pretty little Bee Orchid.
A small colony of them are growing in the grass verge at the edge of one of our walking routes. Bee orchids are protected, as are all wild flowers, under the Wildlife and Countryside Act which prohibits unauthorised and intentional uprooting of any wild plant. In addition, because orchids are particularly slow growing and may only flower once in their lifetime, it is important to never pick them.

Lots of set aside areas have pretty wild flowers growing in them

Some weeds are quite pretty

I think this might be Chamomile growing in amongst the crop of grass

I think this is Hawthorn blossom

The countryside is beautiful

Be safe and well ~
Rufus x


  1. I have the impression that Bee Orchids are really flourishing now. I didn't see any for years and years, and now I happen upon them most years. They are so pretty - I love them.

    1. Like you Rosemary I haven't seen any for years, and I didn't actually spot these, a fellow dog walker showed me where they were. They are lovely. I'm so glad I've seen them.

  2. Rufus you took us on such a beautiful walk, thankyou for sharing your adventures with Polly.

  3. Wildflowers are keeping me entertained these days. Such glorious colour! I enjoyed this post.

  4. Lovely bee orchids.

    And we loved the tv programme about metal detectors but very rarely see them here. The land around you is probably richer in old treasure.

    1. I think it is, we see a few in differenet fields.

  5. It’s fun to find wildflowers. Looks like a lovely walk.

    1. All our walks are good, we have a range of short to long ones.

  6. Lovely wildflowers! Ours, of course, are long past blooming. I've never seen any like the Bee Orchid - just beautiful!

  7. Wild flowers and weeds can be so beautiful! It's been many, many years since I had the pleasure of wandering around in the countryside looking at them. I did that a lot as a kid growing up in a rural small town.

  8. I hope the weather is more to Polly's liking but it certainly looks beautiful to me. I love the wildflowers and weeds, too, and it would be curious to know what the detectorists are up to. It looks like you have lovely walks!

    1. We've had two lovely days of warm sunshine, but the forecast is rain for the weekend :-( Whenever we see detectorists Polly asks them if they've found anything but so far we havnen't met any who have.

  9. Dear Rufus, you've certainly got a lot of interesting wild flowers in your area. Yes, a lot of what are called weeds are actually very pretty. We have masses of poppies in our garden which we think are lovely. We had some nice (unidentifiable) orange flowers all over our front lawn but eventually had to mow the lawn and demolish them.

    Glad you enjoyed the light rain even though you don't do rain!

    1. Thank you Nick. We went out in more light rain this morning, I don't know what's going on!!
