16 October 2020


After my safari at Luangwa I went to Livingstone, staying at the Waterberry Zambezi Lodge on the mighty Zambezi river.

The lodge was quiet at the time of my stay so I had this house all to myself!

lounge area and single bed, another bed and a kitchen and dining table
were at the other end behind where I'm standing taking the photo.


Four singles and one double bed in total, I used the double room with en-suite.

The Zambezi river, low at the time of my visit.

Upstairs lounge area in main hotel

The grounds were lovely

Victoria Falls

In the high season those rocks wouldn't be visible, the falls would be raging

The Devil's Pool at Livingston Island
on the edge of the falls

To get to the pool we had to swim in a triangle route, it was very scary.
That's me swimming towards the others, and that's the edge of the falls behind them!!

We were hauled out by rope and scrambled over rocks. Afterwards it occured to me that if we left the pool via a rope and rocks why did we do the scary swim to get into it? I can only guess it was done that way to add a bit of adventure!!!
The night before going to the pool I was sharing a dinner table with a couple who had done it that day. They said the swim to the pool was scary but well worth it. I did a “What, wait, did you say swim to the pool? I thought we would get there by boat” “You have to swim, the water is too rocky for a boat” they said. Whoa, I went straight to the office to cancel but they said to go, it’s a nice trip, take my costume and then if I want to do it when I get there I could!

Walking down to the boiling pot.
The left side of the bridge is in Zimbabwe and the right side is in Zambia. People were doing bungee jumping off the bridge. I did consider doing it but only for a few seconds, then came to my senses!

The boiling pot is the name given to this area where the water has fallen down the ravines, along the river and into a Gorge where it swirls around, and, over time it has carved out a deep pool. In the rainy season the spray created by this looks like a huge pot of boiling water.

Shopping in Livingstone, looking for a t-shirt for my grandson.

The last day of my holiday I treated myself to a beautiful delicious dinner on the Royal Livingstone train

Pre dinner drinks as the train set off on a short journey out of town and back.
The safari and Livingstone was a wonderful holiday.

Be safe and well ~

Polly x


  1. What gorgeous photos! Love the main lodge, the little lodge house, and the Royal Livingstone train/restaurant! You were very brave to swim in the Devil's Pool right at the edge of the Falls -- I don't know it I would have!

    1. I was going to cancel it but the office people said to go, it’s a nice trip, take my costume and then if I want to do it when I get there I could!!

  2. It’s fun for me to see a picture of you! Your lodgings look so much more extravagant than I picture for that setting. Just lovely! You are much braver than I would be going in that water. The bridge reminds me of the one near Hoover Dam.

    1. I don't have many photos of myself. There were a few life guards on hand if anyone got into difficulty. I'm also my own worst enemy, if I hadn't done it I imagined getting back home and wishing I had!

  3. What an amazing holiday, it looks incredible!

  4. I've thoroughly enjoyed these last two posts (somehow I'd missed the earlier part till now). I'd always thought I might do this kind of thing when I retired but somehow now I'm happy to stay close to home.

    1. I'm very pleased you have enjoyed them John.

  5. This place is darling! And oh, Polly! That scenery! Those waterfalls, that rainbow. And that a beautiful place to rest your head when you return. I love it.

  6. Such beautiful photos! The falls are incredible and your accommodation was perfect. It looks like a dream vacation.

  7. What great memories of shat looked like a memorable trip, Polly. I just finished reading the previous post as well. The waterfall experience would not be for me so kudos to you. Victoria Falls was beautiful to see.

    1. I have some lovely happy memories of wonderful holidays. I think I had a lapse of sanity when I did the pool swim!

  8. Looks like an amazing trip. But I wouldn't fancy going for a swim so close to Victoria Falls!
