8 December 2019

Rufus' Diary

Polly, Buster and I don't like this weather, even when it's not raining it's still wet, and when we run across the fields we get mucky which means ..........we get hosed down when we get home.
Legs and feet aren't too bad, but the under carriage, oh dear, the indignity, it's not nice,
although Polly is very careful!

Poor little Buster isn't running anywhere at the moment, he has been limping for a while.
The vet thinks it's a shoulder injury and prescribed some anti inflammatory medicine. 
There is some improvement. He got so anxious going into the surgery a second time, almost
having to be dragged in, the vet was reluctant to put him through sedation and x-rays,
so she has said to wait a few weeks, keep him on the lead for walks and hopefully
it's tissue damage and will heal in time.
Probably, like humans it will take a bit longer as we get older, he is 9 now.

 These little bud things that grow on something in the garden get stuck to Busty when he has a bad tummy and goes rummaging around eating grass. Last week his head and neck were covered in
them, Polly had to brush him to get them out and some had to be cut out.
She has identified the plant and cut most of it away now.

This tree fell down a couple of months ago. It remained intact so we thought the
root system was still ok and it would just be left, but then one morning it was gone.

Probably collected with these that were being cut down for sale. The fire is burning debris.

There are always lots of interesting smells around the badger sett and I like to have a look down it.
I hope they are warm and cosy down there.

Polly has been out and about. I'm sure she will tell you about it soon.
She had 4 Christmas meals last week, and has 2 more next week!!
All with various clubs she belongs to.
She is also eating lots of mince pies for her great mince pie survey which she will be posting soon.
When I say lots I mean lots of different brands not the whole box full! family eat them as well.

Polly wasn't very happy with this photo, it's slightly blurred, but then she
thought the blurred look went quite well with the misty autumn morning look.

~Keep warm and well ~
Rufus 🐾


  1. ...blurred or not, your last image is magical!

    1. Thank you Tom, I was going to delete it but I'm glad I didn't now.

  2. Dear Rufus, sorry to hear about Buster's shoulder injury. I hope it heals up very soon. As for Polly, six Christmas meals seem a bit much. By the time she reaches number six, she'll be sick of the sight of turkey! I think mince pies taste much the same, wherever you buy them, but maybe Polly will discover the unrivalled mince pie par excellence!

    1. Hi Nick, I hope he heals soon too, it's very sad seeing him limping. Polly is having a variety of food at her meals, but she was feeling uncomfortable by the end of last week. I got it wrong, she has one this week then the last one next week. As for the mince pies, she just likes the excuse to eat them, but they do differ in taste and texture, so she tells me!

  3. I like the blurred photo. It has energy and interest to me. Gentle pets to Buster and livelier ones to you!

  4. it has been raining here for over three days and super cloudy. I wish it was snow! Frodo gets little tiny burrs stuck to him in the fall and they have to be combed out. Sadly he tries to bite us halfheartedly so my husband holds him while I tackle nature. The older he gets the less he gets on him because he is less adventurous!

    1. Buster is quite good when I'm brushing or picking them out. Hopefully the plant won't re-grow.
