24 March 2015

Something Old, Something New

And on to Something New - The Shard London's highest and best view, almost twice the height of any other viewing platform in London, offering unparalleled 360 degree views 
for up to 40 miles - well, on a fine day which this wasn't.

I'm an old fashioned girl at heart and when it comes to architecture I prefer
classical buildings. Architects and planners get very excited at the prospect of
modern and I know there is a place for it, we have to progress, and some modern
buildings are very nice, but I just don't think this is the right setting for this one.

Visibility was less than 40 miles but not as limited as we thought it would be. 
Considering the blanket cloud cover, and taken behind glass, 
I was quite pleased with my photos.

Tower Bridge

HMS Belfast

I think it's 
Cannon Street station that this line is going into below

I like the rooftop gardens

St Paul's Cathedral

London Eye

I wasn't sure if I would be able to go out onto the viewing decks but I was fine. 
I felt a little perturbed when the building swayed though! 
We even went up to the open air deck on the 72nd floor, a mere 244.3 metres or 802 ft!!..........

Denise and myself with a celebratory drink

As we were leaving a young man (a member of staff) asked if we had seen the loos, 
Denise and I exchanged looks and replied no. 
"Ah" he said, "perhaps you would like to," "ok" we said and.....

A Loo With A View!! 

I will leave you with this thought - we didn't think to ask if those windows were 
blacked out from the outside, but at that height only passengers in low flying 
aircraft or the window cleaners  would get a good view !!!


  1. I enjoyed a look at London from your perspective, Polly. I agree the modern building seems out of place. It's fascinating, though. The loo I'm not so sure about. I've never thought of myself as having a fear of heights, but something about that full window just THERE, and with all that distance to the ground, makes me feel a bit queasy. :) Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving the nice comment. It's nice to meet you and have a look at your photography skills. Very nice. ~ Nancy

    1. Hello Nancy, it's good to meet you too, thank you for your comments, I'm glad you enjoyed my post. I was surprised that I was able to go right to the edge of the glass, but I did feel safe. I think it's built in a way that you don't appear to be right at the edge.

  2. Your photos now make me want to go to the top of the Shard. haven't been bothered about it before. We did however head halfway up for cocktails. Despite being ridiculously expensive, 2 were cheaper than going to the top. You must have a good zoom lens. I loved seeing the roof-top gardens and I have a big soft spot for HMS Belfast. I teach on there ocassionally. Great to see it from above. It's a great place to visit.

    1. Hello Katherine, thank you for your comments. My friend bought our drinks, I dread to think what they cost up there! but it was a great experience. Yes my camera does have a good zoom, but some of the shots were taken on normal view and then cropped. HMS Belfast is on my list of London places to visit, what do you teach? I've just had a quick look at your site, your Thea Porter exhibition photos are gorgeous, I'm going back for another look!

  3. I like the old, but I must say the glass spire is spectacular. Tom The Backroads Traveller

    1. It is a spectacular building and it attracts thousands of tourists but I don't think it enhances the area.
