2 January 2021


Our dear sweet Buster was put to sleep on Wednesday. After having his leg amputated in July I hoped he would have another 4 or 5 years of good health, he was approaching the same age as me and I imagined we would share lots of walks in our old age. But deep in the back of my mind was the fear that the cancer would return, and it did, with a vengeance, in his lungs and heart. It was very quick, he started coughing and his breathing was shallow and laboured, the vet knew before x-rays confirmed it.

He was a darling puppy but a little devil in the garden!

He won a few rosettes at county shows

He loved playing with my grandson and his friends

and meeting other dogs on village walks

In 2014 we adopted Rufus

We all enjoyed county shows

trips to the seaside

There were times when he behaved like a grumpy old man

but mostly he enjoyed walks and play

He was a fervent sniffer!

Every time we did this walk he spent ages sniffing around this huge pile of manure

We had lots of lovely walks

and a few not so good ones!

He wasn't impressed with his Christmas pud coat!

"Leave me alone, I just want to ZZZzzzzzzzzz"

But I empathised with that part of his character, he just needed a bit more time and understanding,
he was a gentle boy.
He didn't have the fearless confidence that Rufus has.
Buster was Peace Corps, Rufus is SAS!

And since his amputation I loved him more and more each day.

Dear Buster
December 2010 - December 2020
You will be sorely missed


  1. Poor old Buster, farewell. But what a wonderful life he had with you for 10 glorious years. My condolences.

  2. Oh, that’s so sad. I’m glad he brought such joy to your life for a decade. He sounds like a sweet fellow.

  3. That is really sad news especially having overcome his amputation so bravely - perhaps it was intended that you should be with him to the end! - is it possible that you may have still have been in Australia now?

    1. You're right Rosemary, much as I railed about not going to Australia I'm glad I didn't go, I was scheduled to leave on the on the evening of the 30th so I wouldn't have arrived back in time to be with him as he went to sleep.

  4. I am so sorry for your loss, he was a good friend.

  5. Ach lieve Polly, heel veel sterkte met dit verlies.
    Het is altijd zo moeilijk en verdrietig om je trouwe
    kameraadje te moeten missen. het zal zoveel leegte geven
    in huis. Gelukkig is Buster bevrijd van zijn pijn.

    Veel sterkte!!!!!!!

    Lieve groet,

    1. Thank you Josephine. It was very quick, he didn't suffer for very long.

  6. Sorry to hear that sad news. But he had ten years of enjoying the mad world of human beings!

  7. Oh Polly, I am so, so sorry. He found the right human in you and you, the right dog in Buster. He was a fighter and the cutest thing ever. How I love that dear sweet face. I know how much your heart is hurting right now and I send love and wishes of peace and healing to bridge the time till you can smile again. I loved each and every photo and word.

    1. Dear Jeanie, thank you for your lovely caring comment and message. My heart is aching and I cry when I look at the corner of the sofa where he used to lay, the stand for his food bowl, or his lead, lots of little things remind me of him. It will take time xx

  8. My condolences to you and your family, Polly, on reading this sad news about Buster. He was a much beloved pet and family member as shown in this loving tribute. It will take time for you to remember him without such pain and sadness, and then the happier times will overcome your emotions.

  9. I missed this post. I am so sorry for your loss. Our furry friends take up a space in our hearts and it is hard to let them go. Hold on to the memories.

    1. Thank you Marie, I have lots of lovely photos of him, and yes lots of memories too.

  10. Oh I'm so sorry to hear that. What a painful time for you. Our animals give us so much love.
