31 January 2021

TV And A Frustrating Jigsaw

I watched a lovely film last night called 84 Charing Cross Road, a charming, gem of a film starring Sir Anthony Hopkins and Anne Bancroft. It chronicles the true story of a transatlantic business correspondence between two bibliophiles that gradually developed into a close friendship. Helene (Ann Bancroft) a script-reader in New York sees an ad in the Saturday Review of Literature for a bookstore in London that offers mail order. She writes to the bookshop asking if they can help with her search for some titles she has not been able to find locally. Store manager Frank (Anthony Hopkins) responds politely to her chatty letter, and over the course of two decades, a deep, long-distance friendship evolves.

Today whilst working in the craft room on some dolls house things I've been catching up with ITV's Finding Alice. Alice's partner of 20 years, Harry, falls down the stairs and dies soon after the couple move into the dream home he designed. Alice discovers that some men, including her late ex, hide stuff that they don't want to deal with.

I've also started watching Channel 4's The Great. Funny, entertaining and addictive, it's loosely based on Catherine The Great and her influence on Russia's history.

This jigsaw is driving me crazy, look at all that blue/grey mountain area! I like a challenge but there have been a couple of times when I have thought about giving up, but having gone this far I will persevere.

I've had tea, now I'm relaxing and looking for another nice film to watch.

Be safe and well ~
Polly x


  1. I remember hearing about the book, 84 Charing Cross Road. It sounds like something I would enjoy. Yes, that jigsaw looks challenging. I’m working on one right now that has way too many of the same colors.

    1. Yes I think you would Bijoux, it's a nice gentle film.

  2. I like the sound of 84 Charing Cross Road, one I might look for later today. We like to sit down for a film late afternoon. The jigsaw certainly looks challenging, we leave one out that we do a few pieces when we pass it.

    1. Hi Lorraine, the jigsaw is in the kitchen at the moment, I do some of it when I'm having breakfast.

  3. I haven't found that movie yet..it had been recommended:)Watched The Dig last night on Netflix..very good.

    1. That's the next one on my list to watch :-)

  4. I haven’t seen a good movie in ages. The Anthony Hopkins one sounds great. I’ll try to find it.

  5. That is precisely why I don't do jigsaws.

    1. I love jigsaws but this one is testing my sanity!!

  6. 84 Charing Cross Road always reminds me of my own years as a bookseller. I worked at a bookshop in Charing Cross Road and also at a bookshop in Cecil Court, an alley off Charing Cross Road. It was at the first bookshop that I met Jenny, so that's own story of a blossoming friendship!

    1. Oh Nick, that is so charming, your own Charing Cross Road bookshop romance.

  7. That movie is such a gem. I love it. YOu should try to find the three books she has written related to it -- the title book (the first), "The Duchess of Bloomsbury Street," which is about what happens when she visits and "Q's Legacy," which is about the book she originally went to find. Sort of! They are all very short (Under 150 page, some even under 100) and absolutely charming!

    1. Thank you Jeanie, I thought it was sad when she finally got round to visiting and the book shop had closed.

  8. I love that movie as well. Thank you for bringing it back to my memory.

  9. I loved 84 Charing Cross Road Polly, such a good movie. If you have Netflix another excellent movie is 'The Dig' with Ralph Fiennes, so good! Jigsaw puzzles are such a challenge but so rewarding when finished, keep at it Polly 😉

    1. Thank you Grace. I've just had a delicious Indian meal and am now settling down to watch The Dig :-)
