22 December 2017

The Dogs' Diary

Santa and a Christmas Pud

Oh dear, we don't know what to say.
A few days ago Polly's daughter went shopping 
and came back with these

Santa and Christmas pud outfits


Just a bit of fun they said

HELP !!!

I won't forget this

Actually they are very well made and comfortable to wear.
We didn't make a fuss and kept them on for about half an hour, 
I think we would have kept them on for longer.
We think they are quite fetching, 
although we wouldn't want to be seen outside wearing them!!

We would like to wish you dear reader a Happy Christmas

Buster & Rufus


  1. Hi Polly,

    Ohhh kijk die twee schatten nu toch staan, haha PRACHTIG hun
    mooie Kerst jasjes, maar zo te zien vinden ze het zelf niet echt
    geslaagd. Enig deze fotoserie van Buster & Rufus.

    Wens je Fijne kerstdagen toe.....


    1. Thank you Josephine, Merry Christmas to you too xx

  2. That made me smile, they look gorgeous. Wishing you and yours a wonderful Christmas and best wishes for the New Year.

    1. They are lovely boys. I have been catching up with your news. Merry Christmas to you and your too mama xx

  3. For a minute I thought she came back with the dogs! They're awfully cute. (Lizzie hates clothes but dogs seem to do better with them!) Making me smile!

    1. Hi Jeanie, I have just realised that's how it would seem if a reader didn't know about my dogs! so I have changed the post to the Dogs' Diary, thank you. I wouldn't attempt to dress up a cat!

  4. Aww.. so cute..
    Wish you a Merry Christmas..

  5. They do look a wee bit embarrassed in their Christmas outfits. I'm sure that if they wore their coats outside, there would be a few canine guffaws in their direction....

  6. Hello, I love the sweet dogs. Adorable outfits and photos.

  7. Hahaha! I love the one captioned "I won't forget this"!

    1. His body demeanor and the look does say that doesn't, I only saw it in the photo afterwards!

  8. Dear Buster and Rufus, you are such good sports. And regardless of what you may think, you look positively adorable (albeit a bit exasperated). Hope you had a comfortable and happy Christmas. Hugs.

    1. Thank you for your kind words Nancy. We think the outfits have been put away now. We had a lovely warm, comfy Christmas with some delicious biscuit bones, we don't like doggie chocolate but we are allowed one small human chocolate now and again because too much is bad for us. We also had new squeaky toys, Rufus is very happy because he his other ones just went missing. I (Buster) don't bother with them so Rufy has 2 now! Happy New Year and lots of hugs. Buster and Rufus
