27 December 2020

Advent Treats

A few posts ago I wrote about this advent box my daughter gave me.

24 little boxes full of lovely treats. I had only opened 4 at the time 

so here are all the gifts
2 flannels; pretty little heart shaped lavender soaps; hand cream; hand wash lotion; cuticle oil; three bars of lovely  smelling soap, four little tins of lip balm; a pretty shopping trolley coin

milk chocolate stirrers for adding to hot milk for a chocolate drink. I've used one and it was delicious, for the remaining one I'm going to get some squirty cream and mini marshmallows.

and lots of chocolates, which of course I have eaten :-)

∼ Stay warm and well ∼
Polly x


  1. what a lovely gift of gifts to celebrate as you approached Christmas. Merry Christmas!

  2. Wow, that is a QUALITY advent calendar!

  3. Wow! Those are very nice treats. We gave our grandson an advent calendar that had little cars and trucks inside. He showed us, via FaceTime, the airplane that was on day 24.

    1. ahh what a terrific idea, and how lovely for him to be able to show you :-)

  4. Very thoughtful!I've made one for my girls for next yr..fun getting ideas:)

    1. It's such a good idea, I'm going to return the thought and give it to my daughter for next year.

  5. What a thoughtful and delightful gift! I might have to make an advent calendar like that next year for Rick or for our toddlers!

    1. My daughter is very thoughtful, and has lots of good ideas. I'm going to fill it for her for next year.

  6. Lovely treats, Polly! Good for you. Hope you had a lovely Christmas as well.

  7. Hello, Polly
    What a cute Advent gift box, it was full of goodies. I hope you had a wonderful happy Christmas! Sending wishes for a happy and healthy New year to you and your family. Take care, have a happy week ahead.

  8. I like chocolate stirrers, too. Happy holidays to you. Please stay safe and be healthy.

  9. Wow, a plethora of lovely gifts! Much happy pampering on the way!

    Happy New Year, Polly

  10. You received some thoughtful gifts, Polly. Best wishes to you for a Happy New Year!
