13 January 2015

Epping Forest

Lovely walk in Epping Forest this morning. Glorious weather, 
slightly chilly but the sunshine was wonderful

We came across this wigwam hide out, I’m sure it's very popular with children, 
my grandson sat inside it.

 I quite liked the composition of this.

The dogs had a great time, unfortunately there were lots of boggy areas with black sludge, leaf mould and all kinds of rotting vegetation, and of course the dogs don’t go around it they go straight through it. A lot if it was washed off when they went in some clear water but it was still very smelly in the car going home!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh Epping Forest, many a happy day spent there in the good old days! The pubs used to be great around there too, if I remember rightly there used to be one 'The Owl'? or something like that which was set quite far into the trees. Always looking out for Dick Turpin and Black Bess!!
