18 January 2021

Aquarius January 20 – February 18

Miss Claire Voyant's horoscope for Aquarius

Sharing your Aquarius birthday, with, among a few million others, Ed Sheeran, Jennifer Aniston, Oprah Winfrey, Paris Hilton and John Travolta.

A bit about the personality
Do you know someone who sees the world in a totally unique way, someone who works hard to make a positive change in people’s day-to-day lives, someone who is intellectual and social, loyal, reliable, and stubborn? Chances are that person could well be an Aquarian. Aquarius is the sign most closely associated with humanitarianism. They’re also linked to science and technology and known to have a creative outlook on life. They’re sometimes called oddballs, eccentrics, or even “aliens”—but for an Aquarius, this is a good thing. Ruled by Uranus, the planet of disruption and revolution, think of Aquarius as a rebel with a cause. They can be stubborn, refuse to compromise and hot tempered, but always enigmatic.

Aquarius' prediction
If things are getting tense between you and a friend or co-worker, don't try to fight it. Conflict is never nice to deal with, but sometimes it's necessary to solve a problem or move in a better direction. Plus, your good communications skills are better than ever, so you can trust yourself to navigate any tension with grace and ease. Don't be afraid to disagree, especially when you know you're right and the other party is wrong or misguided.

Despite your aloof nature, your emotions run deep, and, like many of us the stress of the pandemic has taken its toll. As an intellectual air sign, you used your brain to stay busy rather than sink into despair. You may have organised virtual meetings, family get-togethers or fundraisers. It's likely that you might be exhausted and in need of a little care and attention yourself. It's ok to be vulnerable and ask for support. Remind your friends and family that it's your birthday, but let them do the work. 
Your task for 2021 is to  learn to put yourself first.

Be safe and well ~
Polly x