18 April 2020

Taurus April 20 – May 20

Miss Claire Voyant's horoscope for Taurus has arrived. 

You share your Taurus birthday with Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, William Shakespeare, Jack Nicholson, Barbra Streisand, George Clooney and a few million others.

A bit about the personality
Taureans are considered to be the anchor of the zodiac, think stable and grounded. Often viewed as set in their ways Taureans are down to earth, practical, and methodical, almost to the point of being painfully intransigent. They have finely-tuned senses, an eye for beauty, and hedonistic tendencies, which can lead to outright laziness and procrastination, which is never a good image! 
Bulls are usually kind, gentle, hardworking souls who are loyal, steadfast and, although known to be somewhat frugal, they will generously lend a helping hand to family, friends, or even strangers. 

Your Prediction
Spring travel is on hold for the planet, but 
as a waning quarter moon in Capricorn activates your “anywhere but home” desire you may experience an overwhelming urge of wanderlust.  So, Taurus, how to temper that urge while staying safe at home?
Well season 3 of "Killing Eve" has just started, you could organize a Netflix binge-watch party with friends, or host a virtual dinner party on Zoom. Or for an interesting way to pass some time, and maybe pick up a few ideas of where to go when the lockdown ends click here.
Finally when the sun moves into Taurus on Sunday it could encourage nurturing and self-care. Why not pamper yourself with a luxury facial or a manicure. And don't forget your feet, treat them to a pedicure. You too guys, there's nothing wrong with having pampered feet, our feet work hard, look after them. 

Be safe and well ~ 
Polly x


  1. I rather wish that my feet could work a bit harder at the moment, though the rest of me seems to be keeping occupied without needing to resort to Netflix.

    1. My feet are working quite hard at the moment with all the gardening, and re-claiming a patio that a shed was previously occupying.

  2. My husband is Taurus , I might given him a bit of a pamper.

    1. ooh yes, I'm sure he would appreciate it :-)

  3. I'm pampering myself with pinot grigio, mozzarella and mushroom pizza and Lindt truffles. Manicures and pedicures can wait!

    My sister is Taurus and so was my mum but I never noticed any hedonistic tendencies!

    1. oooh that sounds delicious, you know how to live Nick. We've just had pasta with meatballs, garlic bread, and I had asti spumanti. Unfortunately the chocs have been eaten :-(
