13 April 2020

Reasons To Be Cheerful

gorgeous sunshine
beautiful countryside
darling birds singing their little hearts out, it lifts my soul
my family, friends, acquaintances and myself are healthy
I have a lovely garden to sit in
I am warm and safe in my home with enough food 
I don't have any mental or physical health problems

I'm longing to go out again though, for a day trip, a trip to my favourite garden centre, to meander around town, meet up with friends for a coffee or lunch. To dress up, wear make-up and perfume, style my hair.
I'm not bothering about my appearance much at the moment, but I'm not sitting around in my pyjamas all day, mind you that could change if the weather turns to cold and rain!

I've been making lots of quilts, gardening, cleaning windows, a week ago we cleared out a load of rubbish from one shed, then last week we demolished another and last Friday morning put it all in a skip which was collected in the afternoon. Job done. New patio furniture will be here this week.

Last November I decided to stop dyeing my hair and to embrace the grey.
The theory behind this momentous decision was the hope that it would look foxy..........mmm we'll see how that turns out!
I managed to get it cut just before lockdown, and went for short to cut out as much of the dyed brown as possible. I'm hoping that all the dyed hair will be gone by the time the lockdown is over. And when I do emerge my friends may not recognise me!!

Be safe and well ~ 
Polly x


  1. I think I'll be in sore need of coloring or else I'll be two-toned gray and brown! I won't see a stylist till sometime in June and I don't think I've ever gone that long before! An adventure. But like you, I have such a lot for which to be grateful, I needn't worry about an appointment or lack of one. This really is such a lovely post, Polly.

    1. Thank you Jeanie. I've seen some funny videos about people cutting their own hair!

  2. Like you, I'm longing to do all those things I took for granted before the lockdown and now can't do. But it does mean I appreciate my house and garden more, especially all the spring growth and foraging birds. And there's plenty of time for reading and Scrabble tournaments!

    Yes, people's hair colours will be changing dramatically in the next few weeks and months as hairdressers stay closed! My own hair is getting longer and longer.

    1. I once cut my mother's hair when her hairdresser couldn't visit. "How difficult can it be?" I thought, just cut the same amount off each layer - oh dear. It wasn't too bad and mum didn't seem to mind, I never did it again though, cutting hair is an art.

  3. I embraced the grey a couple of years ago. I soon got used to it and didn't mind it all. Sounds like you are keeping busy I find having several projects on the go is helping. Take care and stay safe.

  4. You're right; we country-dwelling, healthy, retired people have only small adjustments to make, while for others in different circumstances things are very difficult. I seem to be returning to my student days - hair getting longer, clothes getting scruffier, no need to get up early if I don't feel like it, listening to lots of music and reading till late at night. Reasons to be cheerful!

  5. I need a haircut and a bit of covering for my roots :o lol Oh well, things could be worse. Staying busy here and enjoying time with family. Be well!

  6. Same here, Polly, hair getting longer and grayer, but much to be thankful for and most the same as your own. So if the only repercussion is a longer mane, than I am so fortunate. And, I really liked John’s comment above as I am doing many of the same things now...not much different than before except for the lack of any type of social interaction.

    1. Hi Beatrice, yes John summed it up very well!

  7. Going grey, that's brave! Don't think I'm ready for it yet but I do like the way the sun bleaches my highlighted bits leaving me with quite blonde hair.
    It sounds as though you've been busy. Like you I've plenty of reasons to be cheerful but I'm also going a bit stir crazy.

    1. You're younger than me Liz, I've only just decided to do it.

  8. I admit we aren't finding it too difficult at all. Thankfully autumn has kicked in so the weather is wonderful. Also getting many things we put off done now but as you say, it's the popping out for lunch or coffee with friends that I miss. Looking forward to seeing the foxy new you Polly 💙

  9. Hello foxy lady - I think you are starting a new trend! I'm likely to be joining the party! Yay for all the reasons to be cheerful sunshine and gardens are up there for me too!
    Enjoy and stay safe
    Wren x
