1 April 2015

April Fool's Day

Did you get fooled? I got my grandson, I told him the Football Association were going to increase the size of goal posts so that footballers would be able to score more goals. Bless him he believed me and commented that doing that would devalue the game and the skill of the players. A clearly thought out mature response I thought.


  1. I got my daughter good this year and we all had a great laugh! Happy Thursday, Polly! xxx

    1. Hello Chrissy, I read your post, what a dedicated young lady, I bet she was relieved when you confessed :-) Happy Easter xx

  2. We didn't get fooled this year, even though there were good, and funny, pranks in the newspapers.
    As one that enjoys watching football and especially the skillful players, I find your April fool joke excellent.
    Happy Easter!

    1. Hello Sara, it wasn't planned, just a spur of the moment thing, he didn't realise it was April Fools day. Happy Easter to you too x

  3. I've found that is you say strange things with a straight face people will believe you! Tom The Backroads Traveller

    1. When he was little I used to tell him all sorts of funny things and he believed me. If he had realised it was April fools day I doubt if he would have believed this story.
