30 March 2015

Hylands House

I have started working as a volunteer gardener at Hylands House. When I told my daughter she gave me one of her looks (she raises one eyebrow and looks very stern) and said "With a garden and an allotment do you really need another gardening job mother"!! She's right of course, and has my best interests at heart, but I'm only doing 3 hours one day a week. There are 26 volunteers, and between us we do weeding, pruning, very light digging and general tidying of the beds and borders.

Hylands House, is a beautiful Grade II* listed property, restored to its former glory and situated in 574 acres of historic landscaped parkland. The garden dates back to the early 1900’s. It has herbaceous beds lined with Box edging and standard roses, including Mary Rose and Ann Boleyn varieties. Several of the gardens are planted in period styles. The usual pretty spring flowers are adorning the park, and lots of gorgeous hellebores, this one had a busy little visitor.

Nestled within the walks of the Pleasure Gardens is the One World Garden opened in 2007 by Prince William and the Duke of York at the 21st World Scout Jamboree to celebrate the Centenary of Scouting. The design of this small gem of a garden is based on the principles of the Scouting movement and is designed as a children’s garden.  Its inspiration comes from the ideals of the Arts and Craft movement, with the emphasis on the use of traditional skills, materials and design. As well as stunning specimen plants there is a carved totem pole in a small lawned area.

The Hylands horses can regularly be seen working or exercising around the estate, especially in the woodlands. They were reintroduced to Hylands in June 2008, as part of the final stage of the Heritage Lottery Fund project to restore the Estate. The Suffolk Punch breed was chosen because they are a local heavy horse. Mrs Hanbury, Hylands' last private owner of the estate stabled a variety of breeds between 1922 and 1962.

Falcon is a 6 year old Suffolk Punch and Joseph is a Heavy Shire horse

Aren't they handsome

There are other horses stabled here but they are working away at the moment

These male ducks were relentless in the pursuit of the female but she was being very aloof!


  1. What an pretty place! Must be wonderful to spend time in the gardens and vising the animals. Wish I could stop by.

    1. Hello Amalia, it's so nice to meet you and may I say you have a pretty name. Thank you for your comments, it is a lovely place and I feel so good when I go there as a member of the public and think "I tidied that border". The horses are so gentle. Your blog is delightful, I will be a regular visitor x

  2. Oh, it must be wonderful to work as a gardener in such a place. We all envy you! :)
    Your photos are lovely, especially the hellebores are truly gorgeous.
    Happy Easter!

    1. Hello Sara, thank you for your comments. If they remove plants or divide them, or if any bits fall off we are allowed to have them. Yesterday a lady took a yew sapling and whilst I was tidying amongst the beautiful hellebores a stem with some new shoots on it fell off so I thought I would have that. Unfortunately I forgot where I had put it and it must have got mixed up with weeds and leaves that I put in the bin - another senior moment!! Happy Easter to you too.

  3. Ah, judgmental kids! Tom The Backroads Traveller

    1. I know. When my daughter visits from Australia, I get it in stereo, I love it though!
