5 January 2015

The End of Christmas

Well I have taken down the lights, re-cycled the cards, and the once beautifully adorned Christmas tree is now naked and forlorn in the garden awaiting preparation for the re-cycling bin. 
As a child I was heartbroken when Christmas was over, the house looked so bare when my mum took the decorations down and it was such a long wait for it to come round again. Nowadays there is such a long build up to it, and then all of a sudden it’s been and gone almost before you realised it was here! I don’t get heartbroken now, just a little disappointed. 
Mind you, one thing I’m not disappointed about is throwing out all the rubbish that accumulates over the Christmas period – the odd cracker or bauble that has fallen off the tree, nuts that you know have fallen on the floor and rolled under the sofa but forgot to pick up, party hats or wrapping paper wedged in the side of a chair, not to mention all the Christmas paraphernalia that migrates to the kitchen. 
I’m not usually one for New Year resolutions, I can’t see the point in setting unrealistic goals which are usually abandoned within a few weeks, however this year I am making an exception. I am determined to maintain the 1st 1½ stone weight loss I have achieved since last September. So if you would like to help keep me on track you could check in with me now and again and ask how I’m doing. 
Thank you for reading and let me know how you feel about the End of Christmas.

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