6 January 2015

A Muddy Walk

I don’t like cold weather, but one advantage of frosty mornings is the mud takes longer to soften, so the dogs don’t get too dirty.  A couple of days ago we met some friends who have a beautiful white Husky cross, and while we were talking the dogs were playing. They were up on their hind legs sparring like boxers. Ours got dirty but the Husky was literally covered in mud, the only white part left of him was his rear end!
Don’t they look sorry for themselves? This wash down was going to be the bucket and sponge instead of a quick hose down! But they do get warm water with the bucket!


  1. Your post made me smile. My little Coco had a bath today after being drenched by a muddy walk and puddles. At least it wasn't icy and slippery :-) Your two look very concerned about the wash and brush up! xx

    1. Hello Chel, yes they do get concerned. It starts when we arrive home and go through the side gate, their heads go down and they slowly walk to the back garden for the dreaded wash and brush up. Sometimes Buster just stays by the back gate! We keep their leads on though otherwise we would be chasing them all round the garden! x
