1 December 2022


December is the twelfth and final month of the year in the Julian and Gregorian calendars. It's name derived from the Latin word decem meaning ten because it was originally the tenth month of the year in the Roman calendar c. 750 BC which began in March. December is the winter solstice in the Northern Hemisphere, having the day with the fewest daylight hours, and is the summer solstice in the Southern Hemisphere, having the day with the most daylight hours (excluding polar regions). 

December is a busy time of year with many different religious holidays throughout the month. Christians celebrate Christmas, Jews celebrate Hanukkah, Buddhists celebrate Rohatsu, Catholics celebrate the Immaculate Conception.

The season of advent starts at the beginning of December. Advent means "coming", and is a time of preparation for the coming of Jesus.

πŸŽ„December the 1st is National Christmas Lights Day – In many countries, Christmas lights are traditionally erected on or around the first day of Advent. The custom goes back to when Christmas trees were decorated with candles, which symbolised Christ being the light of the world, and the evergreen trees symbolising the renewal and continuance of life in dark times.

πŸŽ„On the 1st December 1955, in violation of segreagation laws in Montgomery, Alabama, Rosa Parks refused to surrender her bus seat to a white passenger and was arrested, sparking a 381-day bus boycott led by Martin Luther King Jr.

πŸŽ„On the 1st December 1990 the UK was connected with mainland Europe for the first time since the Ice Age when engineers from England and France met 40 metres below the English channel seabed as they broke through the last rock layer. The channel tunnel was officially opened 4 years later in May 1994.

πŸŽ„The 1st December is World Aids Day.

πŸŽ„December the 4th is National Cookie Day. The earliest cookies are thought to date back to 7th century AD Persia (now Iran), shortly after the use of sugar became relatively common in the region. They spread to Europe through the Muslim conquest of Spain. By the 14th century, they were common in all levels of society throughout Europe, from royal cuisine to street vendors, and arrived in America through the Dutch in New Amsterdam in the late 1620s.

πŸŽ„Walt Disney was born on the 5th December 1901

πŸŽ„The 6th December is St Nicholas Day. St Nicholas the 4th century bishop of Myra is the patron saint of Russia and Greece, a few cities, and of sailors and children.

πŸŽ„December the 8th is National Brownie Day πŸ˜‹ my favourite baked treat, and one of America’s favourites, where they originated.

πŸŽ„On the 10th December 1960, here in the UK, the first episode of the popular soap "Coronation Street" aired. I used to watch it but gave up years ago.

πŸŽ„The 12th December is Poinsettia Day. I used to buy them but they kept dying!

πŸŽ„My all time favourite film, 'Gone With The Wind', premiered on the 15th December 1939.

πŸŽ„On the 16th December 1
969 the death penalty was abolished in England.

πŸŽ„On the 17th December 1987 the Simpsons was launched as a half-hour prime time show. I was quite disturbed when I learnt that my grandson watched it, but I soon became a fan. I don't like the Itchy and Scratchy bits though.

πŸŽ„Dr Robert Liston (28 October 1794 – 7 December 1847) was a British surgeon noted for his speed and skill in an era prior to anaesthetics, when speed made a difference in terms of pain and survival. On December the 21st 1846 The first surgical anaesthetic using ether was administered by William Squire during surgery by Dr  Liston at the University College Hospital in London. If you're interested in the history of anesthesia follow this link for some interesting and humerous facts.

πŸŽ„December the 25th is Christmas Day.

πŸŽ„December 26 is Boxing Day, a gift-giving day that originated in Britain. The name comes from a time when the rich used to box up gifts to give to the poor. Boxing Day was traditionally a day off for servants - a day when they received a special Christmas box from their masters. The servants would go home on Boxing Day to give Christmas boxes to their families.

∼ Be safe and well∼
    Polly x


  1. Enjoy December…love from me πŸŽ„πŸ€πŸ’—πŸΎπŸŽ„πŸ€

  2. Some councils here aren't putting up any Christmas lights this year as an economy measure. My parents always had candles on our Christmas tree, which looked good but seemed a bit of a fire risk. I see that on 4 December 1989 the Cold War ended after 52 years when Gorbachev and Bush had a summit meeting. Another historic date!

    1. I remember the naked candles on our Christmas trees as well!!
