16 December 2022

A Good Read

Everybody Died So I Got A Dog
by Emily Dean

Emily Dean is a writer and radio presenter. She is Frank Skinner's co-host on the Frank Skinner Show. Her story is heartbreaking. From 2012-2015 she lost her sister Rachel followed by her mother and then her father. 
Emily’s father was a BBC broadcaster and her mother an actor. She and her sister Rachel survived a childhood of intellectual chaos. Bailiffs were invited in for tea, final demands were used as coasters and granny was on amphetamines. But it was never home for the dog Emily craved, “dog families” represented the stable family life that Emily yearned for. Her beloved older sister Rachael was her rock. Over the years the sisters' bond grew close and strong. 
Then, tragically, Rachael was diagnosed with cancer.

Despite the distress it is a good read. It's written with a lightness and wry humour.

∼ Stay warm & well ∼ 

Polly x