7 December 2022

Christmas Tree Festival

Wow December seems to come round quicker each year, and with it the Christmas Tree Festival hosted by the church in the village down the road. Local groups, shops, individuals enter their trees. Lets walk around the church and admire the brilliant and innovative ideas.

A Christmas Dinner by the village Infant School
with a roast turkey, how cute are the pigs in blankets,
and the carrots and brussels!
prawn cocktails
Christmas pud and mince pies which looked so realistic
they displayed a note saying they weren't edible!

Christmas Carols

by My WI group

Thank You Ma'am, by a milliner

garden party tribute was lovely

No Electricity Needed by the village hairdresser, simply beautiful

Dressing For Christmas
I really liked this one, and 
The Fashionable Foliage Tree

Blesma, the Military Charity for Limbless Veterans

Walking In The Air
a thank you to Raymond Briggs by the Library volunteers


Barrow Farm Riding School For The Disabled

always do a lovely display

Marmalade Sandwich Tree
by my village church

Aiming Higher, brilliant rocket tree by Highwood Village School

The Crafting Year by a sewing and crafting group

Re-Tyred Snowman, very clever, from the village garage

Guiding Spirit by The Guides

My Favourite Things

Christmas Choo Choo Tree

Lonely Pup In The Christmas Shop

Writtle Singers, photos of Singer sewing machines, how clever.

There was also a craft exhitibion and refreshments.
After a cup of tea and cake we went back into the church to watch the Morris Dancers

∼ Be safe and well∼
    Polly x


  1. What a large display of whimsical and beautiful trees! A lot of imagination went into these. I enjoyed the Morris Dancers too. And those mince tart ornaments DO look real! Which reminds me that I need to bake my own mince tarts next week.

    1. That sounds productive Debra, I used to make my own but I can't be bothered nowadays :-(

  2. What a wonderful display and so many creative ways to decorate and present a tree. Those ornaments did look "delicious" and some folks may have thought so as well, so good fro the warning.

    1. Hello Beatrice. You know what children are like, they see something and it doesn't occur to them that it's not real!

  3. Some incredibly inventive ideas there. They have a similar event in our local church but I didn't make it down there this year.

    1. I enjoy the tree festivals, it's a lovely day out.

  4. So nice decorations…love the queen doll…so cute …🍀🙏🍀🎄❤️🐾🍀

  5. A wonderful festival, Polly, and so many clever ideas. I enjoyed all the displays and, yes, I agree - time flies!

    1. Hello Amalia, every year I'm in awe at all the wonderful trees.

  6. So much amazing ingenuity. The work that must have gone into them! I like the ones by the village hairdresser. So simple yet so striking.

  7. It's pretty amazing how much imagination is employed in creating these trees. I'd be hard pressed to choose a favorite tree, although the Christmas carols tree plucks my traditional heart strings. The retyred snowman is delightful. Really cute. I'm glad you shared the Morris Dancers. Loved that! xo

  8. Thanks for inviting us to the festival. I can imagine infants' faces filled with joy.

    1. The children love it, they get very excited.
