20 December 2022

My Great Mince Pie Survey

Hello dear reader, it's that time again, I love mince pies, but you probably know that by now!

Aldi all butter infused with brandy, dry cider and ruby port.
Delicious and nice firm pastry.

Co-op basic short crust pastry and spiced mincemeat. Not very nice, I didn't finish it.

Co-op irresistible all butter pastry filled with a rich spiced fruit and brandy mincemeat.
I didn't find it irresistible and didn't finish this one either.

Waitrose brown butter mince pies with cognac. This year's favourite.
 Rich beurre noisette pastry filled with rich mincemeat made with apricots,
glacé Amarena cherries and almonds, laced with cognac.
These are gorgeous, beautiful pastry and a lovely strong taste of cognac.
We don't have a Waitrose in Chelmsford which is just as well
because if we did I would eat far too many of them!!

Asda luxury shortcrust pastry with vine fruits, Valencian orange oil,
spices, rich ruby port and a splash of cognac. Very tasty.

Marks & Spencer melt in the mouth all butter shortcrust pastry deep filled with vine fruits, cranberries, clementine and cognac. Very tasty with nice firm pastry.

∼ Be warm and well∼
    Polly x


  1. I love mince tarts too, but I have given up buying commercially made ones, whether by store chains like these or by local bakeries because they are all just so, SO expensive. For the last few years, I've been simply "making" my own, using frozen tart shells and prepared mince filling in a jar and then baking them. They taste just as good, if not better, and cost about half the price. One big jar of prepared mince filling lasts me for two Christmases, so good thing it has a long expiry date!

    1. I might make my own next year, although if Waitrose do the same ones, I might not!! :-)

  2. It's a tough assignment you've set yourself, but somehow you stick at it year after year. How would we get by without dedicated people like yourself?

  3. I make my own but interesting to read this nevertheless. Do you buy all of these mincepies to try or are you bequeathed them. If I ate that many I think that I would blow up like a balloon.

    1. Hi Rosemary, I buy most of them and try one, if I like them I keep another one and then give the rest to my family. When I get really good ones like the Waitrose ones I keep them all!! I eat them over a number of days or weeks because the shelf life is usually good. My son-in-law has just given me some Irish whiskey ones but I haven't tried one yet.

  4. I LOVE ALDI, I love their produce department. Though I miss when their produce used to be in the back of the store. Now it's in the front. Yuck.

    1. That's a bummer when out of something. Went yesterday as they opened. Only thing I couldn't get was organic raw broccoli. So I decided to try the frozen organic. We'll see. Good thing about Aldi is they refund so easily at my location. LOVE that store.

  5. They all look delicious. I miss having sweets!
