26 March 2022

17 Years

2005, 17 years ago, that's how long it was since I had last visited my friends Jane and Harry! We couldn't believe it, and had to reminisce about when past events happened. One memorable event being when they installed a new water tank. They say I helped, I didn't really, I was more like the project manager and official photographer! 

Harry setting out with the tank securely tied to the tractor

Arriving at the platform

Block and tackle in place, a few heave ho's

 and it was in place alongside the other two.

Back in 2005 they lived in this cabin which wasn't bad, although when I think back it didn't have air con, and the doors didn't have screen doors, so they were often left open to allow a through draught, and to allow the cat and dog to come and go, and probably all manner of insects and possibly an ocassional snake!! Thank goodness I didn't overthink things then!! 

Cabin now

Having said that I actually went inside to have a look round, with all senses on high alert!! It's in a bit of a state now, no doubt home to all manner of wildlife. Harry installed the solar panels which provide all their electricity with plenty left over to sell to the grid.

In 2005 this was the view from the cabin looking down to what was the pole barn

Which is now where their new house is 

surrounded by 80 acres of lovely views

Drive up to the house

Jane with Ziggy and Duke

One day, before my visit, Harry went to move this cushion and got a bit of a fright when he saw this little blue tongue lizard. I think it has taken up permanent residence.

We saw a snake on the patio (we were inside), I think Harry said it was a young red bellied black snake, probably looking for mice. It retreated when Harry moved towards the door. I felt a little bit unsettled for a while.


We had some lovely days out - coming next.

∼ Be safe and well∼
Polly x


  1. Great memories with great friends. The slithery visitors are the sideshow.

    1. It was Marie. I don't mind the lizards but snakes scare me.

  2. Can you believe 2005 was that long ago? Wow to that view and property! It’s a totally different lifestyle there.

    1. I can't Bijoux, time is passing way to quickly. I love the lifestyle here, sunny weather makes such a difference.

  3. How fun to be catching up with friends and seeing how their land has changed. That's one huge water vessel to be moving oneself! It looks so beautiful. What a time you are having, Polly!

    1. Hello Jeanie, it was fun reminiscing, and it was good to see the house finally built.

  4. First of all, how can 2005 be that long ago?? So happy you were able to catch up with friends! Such an amazing transformation! Enjoy!

  5. Looks like you are having a wonderful time in a wonderful place!

  6. That's an impressive place they've got there. The new house looks like a great improvement on the old cabin! I like lizards but finding one under a cushion would be a bit scary!

    1. 17 years ago I thought the cabin was quite a cool, but I wouldn't want to live in it now!

  7. I was thinking.. what a beautiful place until you mentioned the lizard and the snake. Eek.
    We change a lot with age.. there is a lot I would have been okay with doing that is a big no no for me now.

    1. I know Hena, I don't think I could live out in the countryside.

  8. Your friends' property is gorgeous, Polly. And I love the names of the horses -- Ziggy and Dale. Perfect! xx

    1. The horses are lovely, and they love carrots!
