12 January 2022

The Last Igloo

Yesterday I watched a BBC programme called 'The Last Igloo'. Described as a "meditative and poetic sensory immersion into the world of a lone Inuit hunter" it's a beautiful documentary following a lone hunter in Greenland as he hunts, fishes and constructs an igloo. 
The stunning image above was captured when he lit some candles and cooked the fish he had caught earlier in the day.
It's achingly poignant as it depicts a way of life that is rapidly disappearing due to changing times but mostly due to climate change.
At times it seemed a tad slow, but I think it added to the charm. It's well worth watching.

∼ Be safe and well∼
Polly x


  1. I've heard good things about this film, now including your review. I'll keep my eyes peeled for it!

  2. I am pleased that you too have recommended this stunning documentary. I also posted about after Christmas. The great poignancy of the film for me was the fact that it captures a world that is, due to climate change, literally melting away, and may soon be lost forever.

    1. Me too Rosemary. When he said that years ago he could walk everywhere on frozen ice but now he has to use a boat for some of his journeys. I also had tears in my eyes when he said how his son cried after killing his first seal and didn't want to hunt anymore.

  3. Beautiful indeed. I’ll watch for it!

    1. It's on BBC iPlayer if you can access it :-)

  4. Brr, looks cold. But very beautiful.

  5. This sounds fascinating, Polly. I'd love to see the Northern Lights.

    1. Me to Jeanie. It was a lovely documentary.

  6. What an absolutely stunning image, Polly. I recall watching a documentary several years ago about traditional Inuits in Alaska. I don't remember the title, just remember it was very interesting.

    1. Hello Nancy, that was a stunning part of the programme.
