27 February 2021

Five Weeks

To a pre summer body, not a summer body of my youth, more a slimmer and healthier version of me now!
Five weeks to getting out and about again and wearing clothes with unforgiving  waistbands.
Can I do it, can I lose 8lbs in five weeks? Yes I can, but will I? I'm so used to wearing comfort clothes that don't remind me of my expanding waistline, so used to covering up with a coat for going to the supermarket, and so used to saying "Blow it, I'm not going anywhere and nobody is going to see me" as I tuck into chocolate, another pizza, Indian or MacDonalds, or reach for another biscuit or piece of cake. It's going to be difficult to break the habit of just eating without thinking.
The first thing I need to do is not buy these things. I started on Tuesday when I went shopping. 

Tesco are currently selling these oh so scrumptious eggs at 3 for £1

As a chocoholic I automatically picked up 9 to stock pile. Then I had a word with myself saying "No put them back". I did, and at the same time decided not to eat chocolate until Easter. Now all I have to do is stop eating all the other rubbish.
I'm going to need a lot of willpower.

Be safe and well ~
Polly x


  1. Chocolate is my weakness. I can eat sensibly except for that. That’s a big exception.

    You can do this!

  2. Yes, Jenny and I have also succumbed to buying little treats to help us through lockdown - traybakes, chocolate, pastries. By some miracle we haven't gained any weight yet. But we really need to break this dangerous habit!

  3. Lindt/Lindor chocolate is my downfall too. Well, ONE of my downfalls. Be strong!

  4. I allow myself 4 dark chocolate covered almonds per day with my green tea. Not buying is the way to go!

    1. You are very good Bijoux. My daughters are well disciplined with chocolate.

  5. You can totally do this, Polly! I have faith in you. You already scored a major victory by putting back the chocolate. Imagine how much better you will feel, not to mention how much healthier you'll be by losing those extra pounds. You got this! Hugs, Nancy

    1. Thank you for your lovely encouragement Nancy, I hope I won't let you down x

  6. Well done you for putting back the chocolate, you can do this, so can I. Stay strong.

  7. That is will power. But remember, sometimes over deprivation means that one binges out and loses the ground you made. If you can stop with one egg (or a half a one) over a longer period of time (or whatever floats your boat!) you might save yourself the later binge.

    1. Hello Jeanie, you're right, bingeing is problem but I'm going to do my best not to, especially if I have lost the weight by then. I think not eating chocolate will give the impetus I need.

  8. Ideally I would like to lose a stone but chocolate is my weakness too. I buy it 'for cooking' and then snack on it and think it doesn't count. But the scales are telling me differently. Good luck!

    1. Thank you Liz, I'm going to need bucket loads of willpower.

  9. I love the Lindor chocolates. They are a favorite in this family. I wish you well in losing the weight you desire. It's a hard thing to do, isn't it? I'm content to be where I'm at at my age. ; )

