19 December 2020

Capricorn December 22nd - January 19th

Miss Claire Voyant's horoscope for Capricorn

Sharing your Capricorn birthday with Kate Middleton, Michelle Obama, Martin Luther King, Dolly Parton and a few million others.

A bit about the personality
The last earth sign of the zodiac, Capricorn is represented by the sea goat, a mythological creature with the body of a goat and tail of a fish. Accordingly, they are skilled at navigating both the material and emotional realms.  Capricorns are hard working and will never give up. Their inner fortitude motivates them to achieve their goals, never letting anything distract them from getting ahead, and they never let themselves off the hook. If the 12 signs were given that toddler test about eat the sweet now or wait and get two sweets... guess who'd be a winner? Right. Capricorn could sit there for years if they thought this was a battle of wills with a tangible reward. This single minded focus can come across as being cold and unemotional, and a little obsessive. If they do let themselves off their own lead, they have a tendency to go a teensy bit wild...
They can be overly serious, critical, melancholy, suspicious, sensitive and unforgiving. Never mock or undermine a Capricorn, they have zero tolerance when it comes to being made fun of, it's a sin that won't be forgotten and they will hunt the perpetrator down.
Capricorns are classy, elegant, charming and compassionate. They are pure souls with hearts of gold, genuine and loyal, and no matter what it may entail, you can rely on a Capricorn to be there whenever help is needed.

Capricorn's Prediction
You’re quick to volunteer when people need assistance, but for now stop before you pitch in, the last thing you need right now is another obligation. Give yourself a break, let someone else pick up the reins, there are plenty of other equally dedicated helpers who can step up.  With a lunar lift elevating your ninth house of travel and adventure, you could get a serious case of cabin fever. While you may not be able to board a plane to a tropical retreat center, you can find ways to explore new scenery. For some feel good moments grab a friend and take a day trip to another town; walk round a local park finishing with a delicious hot chocolate drink sitting on a park bench, if you live near the coast, put some warm clothes on, take a picnic and find a shelter or bandstand to sit in and enjoy it whilst people watching. Think of it as an investment in your single most valuable asset: your sanity!

Be safe and well ~
Polly x