28 March 2020

The Virus

Everything is ok, keep washing your hands, stay at home, more cases confirmed, only key workers go to work, keep washing your hands, stay 2 metres apart, everywhere closed. There is some helpful stuff and lovely stuff online and on FB, but also some scaremongering and insult throwing. I'm exhausted by the constant talk of corona virus.

Daughter and I went shopping yesterday, I just needed a few provisions, and if possible the ingredients for a family Sunday roast. First stop Morrisons, queue from the door to the car park. Daughter is not the most patient, she wasn't prepared to queue. Next stop Tesco xpress, no queue but no provisions. Onwards to Sainsburys, huge queue , same with Asda. We knew Tesco would be the same so we then went to Aldi, no queue and all the provisions I wanted. They have erected protective screens around their cashiers, and not before time, the lady who served me said she has had people coughing and sneezing at her without using a handkerchief or tissue, how disgusting is that. I don't know whether people haven't been taught to use a tissue, or whether some don't think it's cool to use one.

I bet Theresa May is glad she got out when she did. I like Boris, I voted for him, he gets things done. He has tested positive, I hope he doesn't develop the virus. Anyone who says Jeremy Corbyn would have done a better job, well it's easy to say that as it will never be put to the test. Corbyn can't run his party let alone the country. 

Apart from the trip to the supermarket I have been staying indoors. I like being at home, I can always find something to do, but I do miss the day outings that my friend M and I would have been doing. I don't think the complete lock down is necessary though. All the shops and businesses closing, jobs lost, some small businesses may never recover, the government's salary compensation plans could take a long time to process. I hope crime rates don't increase. I also feel for people living alone, in high rise blocks, people who need to go out for something to do or company. I know we have to protect the elderly (of which I am one) and vulnerable but I think it's a high price to pay. Historically every year thousands of people in the UK have died from seasonal flu and pneumonia. Although flu might not seem like a deadly illness, on average it kills around 17,000 people in England a year. Worldwide the figures reach millions. But we've never reacted like this.

The pharmaceutical companies advertise "Now you don't need to take time off work, just take our cold remedy and keep going" I used to get very cross with people who came to work with a streaming cold, spreading germs everywhere.  I stayed at home whenever I had a cold. I have always been a bit of a germophobic, the only thing I like about winter is wearing gloves, primarily to keep my hands warm but also not touching surfaces with my hands. I can't help thinking common sense has been replaced by panic and hysteria.

Be safe and well ~ 
Polly x


  1. If only we had cracked down early like the government in Taiwan did. They began a lockdown as soon as the virus was reported in Wuhan. Their first case was 9 days before Italy, and currently they have 283 cases 241 of which have been classified as imported. Taiwan learnt their lesson the hard way following the 'sars' outbreak in 2003, and so far they have had 2 deaths. Mind you the people if Taiwan wouldn't dream dream of defying their government unlike people here.

    1. Hi Rosemary, I remember the SARS outbreak, and there was also MERS. You're right about the Taiwanese people, probably being more afraid of the government than the virus.

  2. I also like bring at home, so no issues with doing that. Sorry to read about the lines and shortness in certain items and having to go to several places to find things. Thankfully, we have been able to find most items, except those that so many have mentioned. Hope we all continue to stay well.

    1. Hello Beatrice, some of our supermarkets are allowing pensioners only for specified times. So far I have been able to get everything I need.

  3. I enjoy been at home so it is no hardship in that regard. Shopping is another matter, getting a delivery slot is nigh on impossible and there are many shortages here. Stay safe.

    1. Hello Lorraine, I hope the shortages don't get too severe for. We that like being at home working on hobbies are lucky, although I am looking forward to getting out and about again - sometime in the (hopefully) not too distant future.

  4. It's hard to say if there's an element of panic and hysteria or whether these tight restrictions are necessary to stem a very powerful virus. I also thought to begin with "it's just another type of flu" but this thing seems to be a lot more virulent and life-threatening. The economy is certainly taking a battering and will take a long time to recover. My niece is a hospital nurse, I'm not sure if she's dealing with coronavirus patients or not. If so, it's worrying when there's such a shortage of PPE.

    1. Hi Nick, I thought there were contingency plans for such emergencies, but maybe they got lost with the cuts.

  5. Glad to hear you are well Polly, it really is an unbelievable situation around the whole world, I must admit I do sometimes wonder what it's all about. I like Boris Johnson also, I think he's doing a good job and hope he doesn't get too ill. Restrictions tighten up every day here in Perth too, but it's not a problem for us as for those losing jobs etc. Let's hope it's all over sooner rather than later 💙

    1. I do hope so Grace. I read that we reached the peak last week, but then another report says we're not there yet, It's hard to know what to believe. I'm sickened by the way the media continue to engage in false reporting. Stay safe :-)

  6. It is crazy out there. I'm staying home and ordering provisions on-line. It takes a couple of weeks for them to deliver and not everything is available but there it is. Stay safe and healthy!

    1. Hello Amalia. My daughter will get shopping for me if I need it and so far we have been able to get all we need. Best wished to you and your family :-)

  7. I can tell you, it is so unsafe to be out. My doc told me that after the hospital, the grocery store is the most dangerous place to be. Wash and sanitize. Stay home. Call your friends who are alone. Do you best. Together, we will win.

    1. Hello Jeanie, we will get through this, hopefully sooner rather than later :-)
