16 March 2020


Just as I was about to emerge from my usual winter hibernation the government have advised that the over 70's should stay at home for at least the next few months. Yes I know, I don't look old enough to  be in that category !!!  😊 😍

I remember reading an article some time ago which said that the greatest threat to mankind wasn't terrorism, nuclear bombs or war but The Virus. I'm not sure what I think about the Corona virus, one moment I'm confident that we will be ok, the next I'm feeling anxious and scared, living in fear, hoping that our scientists and politicians will protect us. What the news doesn't tell us though is how many have survived the virus, and how many people die annually from pneumonia, influenza and chest related illnesses. I know we should take it seriously but I'm not on board with the nasty scaremongering, it causes fear and hysteria. All those able bodied people who hop into their cars and empty the supermarket shelves, whilst the elderly have to rely on public transport only to find they can't buy what they need. Thankfully a lot of kind people are offering to look after the lonely elderly in their communities. I don't know everyone in my village, but I do know that a lot of the elderly have relations living in the village or nearby, and a group of people have set up a working party offering help.

My daughter will do shopping for me. It's a good time to get into the garden and I can always find plenty to do: more quilting, dolls house projects, reading, and painting. My Ozzie daughter suggested chocolate, wine and Netflix to pass the time, she knows me well! But I don't think I will stay completely isolated all that time. I want to go into town today to buy some fleece and material.

On Monday I handed over some more quilts to the Project Linus co-ordinator.
All this material was gifted to me except a few bits I bought to make up the desired number of squares.
I'm a tad disappointed with the quality of the photos, some of the colours aren't as vibrant as they should be.

Bears and cute animals in the wood. I bought the orange material.

Dinosaurs and Dragons.
I didn't have enough dinosaur material

so I bought half a metre of dragon material.
I think they go well together, dragons and dinosaurs, both are fearsome!

Mickey Mouse

This one was a challenge

These already made squares above were in the box of materials my friend gave me when I first started making quilts. I made two squares out of the green material, made the star shapes and sewed them onto the green material, then attached the wheel type square and the cream square to make a big square. I used the pink flower material for the edging.

I don't know what happened with the lighting here

This one was also a challenge

I didn't know what to do with these bits. This is how it started above, and I had some pieces of grey material in my stash. I pieced the background materials together. The animals were already appliqued onto the small pieces of material so I attached them with a border around the edges.
I was really pleased with the way it turned out.

This hasn't photographed well, I think it looks a bit dull, the colours are very pretty.

Last year I made a Winnie the Pooh cot quilt for my friend's baby. I overestimated how much material I needed and had lots left over, enough for one and a half quilts, so I bought a little bit more and made two. They are slightly different, both have a yellow fleece backing. 

Sheriff Woody and Buzz Lightyear.
There aren't any images of Buzz though, just his name on the white squares.

Be safe and well ~ 
Polly x


  1. These are some lovely quilts, Polly, and i greatly admired your talent as I have absolutely zero when it comes to handmaking anything! Good to know you are keeping safe, even though the self-isolation seems to be challenging and difficult for many others. We don't mind it since being retired we are usually home, except when on road trips. As you said there's books to read, streaming. For me, it's also cards and letters to write, calls to make and dinner prep. All restaurants are closed and while we enjoy dining out at least once a week, we also know how to cook at home. The only part I dislike is the cleanup afterwards.

    1. Thank you Beatrice, I sort of taught myself with help from Youtube :-) I would like to say they are handmade, but I'm too impatient and it would be very time consuming. I don't mind being at home, although I will miss days out with my friend.

  2. Polly, those are all so lovely! I'm glad you are taking care of yourself!

  3. Those are beautiful quilts. Dragons and dinosaurs definitely go together.

  4. Wowwww Polly, wat een schitterende quilts laat je hier zien,
    ze zijn allemaal heel verschillend maar SUPER mooi!!!

    Lieve groetjes,

  5. I know. It's not a lot of fun being on lockdown. Our entire state is in lockdown at this time. Just trying to be creative to find ways of connecting with others and passing the time (when I'm not working from home). Better that than having 75% of our population get the virus, I guess, but I totally get you on how it seems like scare-mongering. Those are some lovely quilts! Project Linus is very lucky to have them.
