9 March 2020

Harbinger of Spring

The cheerful yellow flowers of Forsythia are always a welcome sight in the garden.
Managed to mow the back lawn and dry some washing outside today before the next downpour!

Be warm and well ~ 
Polly x


  1. There's none of those cheerful yellow spring flowers to be seen (yet) here in Nashua, NH. Thanks, Polly, for this early reminder of spring. I remember when you used to have these at our former VA home.

    1. Thank you Beatrice. Today I noticed more lovely signs of Spring with lots of daffodils suddenly appearing in gardens.

  2. Oh, yes it is! And a glorious one. Someday -- hopefully not too far away!

  3. Forsythia is lovely. But I'm puzzled by our camellia bush which is still starting to bud while other bushes in the area have been flowering for weeks.

    Can't mow the lawn at the moment, it's raining every day and the grass is sodden.

    1. I was hoping to mow the lawn again this weekend, but we had rain yesterday and I've been too busy today! I've noticed a few camellias around this last week, they are beautiful but it's such a shame they only flower for a short time.

    2. Mine usually flower for weeks and weeks, but nothing doing at present!

  4. Replies
    1. Thank you Titti. Your website is beautiful.
