22 March 2020

Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day 
to all the wonderful, loving, caring Mums

My daughter and I aren't doing anything this year,
we just didn't plan anything for yesterday,
and she is working today, so it's just another day, which is fine.

My daughter made this beautiful picture for me.
I got some flowers and my favourite Lindt chocolates from my grandson.  
My Ozzie daughter phoned this morning.
I've mowed the lawn and done some gardening
after making a good start on pruning and tidying yesterday
and later we're all going to have a take-away.

Be safe and well ~ 
Polly x


  1. Your daughter made that? WELL DONE!

    Happy Mother's Day. Please stay safe and as your daughter is working, I hope you forego the sorely needed hugs!

    1. Thank you Jeanie, I hope you are having a good day. We all still hug each other :-)

  2. Happy Mother's Day to you in the UK, Polly. I looked up this celebration and learned that in the UK, it's held on the 4th Sunday of Lent, because this was Christians would visit their mother church, and that it's also known as Mothering Sunday. Here in the U.S., Mother's Day will be celebrated May 10 this year and has no religious connection. The picture your daughter made is beautiful and certainly wonderful to see in dreary times like these. Hope you are doing well as are we here in NH.

    1. Thank you Beatrice, I'm well as I hope you are. I get 2 celebrations each year as my youngest daughter lives in Australia which celebrates the same date as you do.

  3. I didn't know Mother's Day was this past Sunday in the UK. The other news seemed to take precedence. =) That is a lovely framed heart gifted by your daughter; such pretty colours and patterns.
