4 January 2020

Power To Me

Most women would get excited about receiving a gift of perfume, jewellery or a heavily loaded John Lewis voucher card, me I got excited about the fantastic gift my darling daughter and son-in-law gave me, something that I have been looking at online for a while now ............... wait for it .................

A Dremel

with loads of attachments

My daughter and son-in-law know how much I enjoy my miniature work and picked up on how I've struggled with ordinary tools. It was my son-in-laws idea after asking him recently if he had any idea how I could remove a floor in dollshouse number 3 .

I've done a lot of work furnishing dolls house number 2, most of it was ready made, some in kit form, and the rest was DIY, struggling with a craft knife or saw cutting small sizes of wood for the en-suite in Miss Teens room. Then I bought dolls house number 3 - Lake View which is going to need a lot of work to turn it into the grand design I have in mind, work that I won't be able to do with a saw or craft knife. I also have another project waiting in the wings which will also need some wood work.

More recently I have made a sofa, chaise and chair using foamboard. Now I'm keen to make a TV unit and occasional tables, but foamboard won't look as good as wood.

I can't wait to get started. But I need to head over to Youtube for a few tutorials. I will need to do some practice pieces first, then see what I can produce!!

Be warm and well ~ 
Polly x


  1. Polly I bought myself a minier version years ago:) YAY!!

    1. Hello Monique, I don't know how small they go, but this fits into my dollshouse beautifully :-)

  2. Hello, I sure you will use your gift often. Very nice! Wishing you a happy day and a great new week!

    1. Thank you Eileen. Once I get the hang of it it will be invaluable :-)

  3. Glad you received a gift that you find useful. All the best as you work on the tv unit and tables. Have a great week.

  4. Exciting times what a wonderful gift.

  5. You're not alone! I would love that gift too!

    1. Treat yourself Jeanie. With all the attachments it will cut practically anything. It will sharpen knives, polish silver and much much more! x

  6. I've never heard of a Dremel before as I'm not a DIY person. But it looks like it will be very useful for work on the dolls houses (and maybe a few other things). A brilliant present!

    1. I first heard of it from visiting Miniaturist's blogs. It really is a neat piece of equipment, see my reply to Jeanie for what it can do :-)

  7. Congrats! Cant wait to see what you come up with.
