8 January 2020

Dolls House No. 2 The Dining Room

I'm very pleased with this room, it all went together with ease. The cabinet at the back, the table and chairs and all the ornaments came from dolls house No. 1 before I sold it on ebay. The sideboard is a new purchase. The wallpaper was from a company in Spain. I prefer to see things before buying
so I was a little concerned about the colours,

I needn't have worried though, I love it.

I made the curtains from material in my stash, the floor and window sill from spatulas,
and bought the lovely rug from a nearby dolls house shop.
The chandelier was a bargain from an online store with a 25% discount.

I'm currently working on the lounge. I've made a sofa, chaise longue and a chair, I have a 
television to finish and then will attempt to make a unit for the TV and  some occasional tables,
using my new Dremel :-)

🏡 Be warm and well  🏡
Polly x


  1. Everything looks great, I like that wallpaper too!

  2. Wowwww Polly, echt super PRACHTIG geworden. De gordijnen zijn
    zeker heel erg geslaagd bij het geheel. Mooi ook de kroonluchter
    en het kleed. Knap hoor hoe je dat allemaal gemaakt hebt.

    Succes met alle vorderingen.....

    Lieve groeten,

  3. This room is so charming. And I'm not kidding when I saw that when I first looked at the photo (without the post title) I thought it might be your dining room!

    1. Thank you Jeanie. I would like a dining room like this, I'm really pleased with the wallpaper :-)

  4. Buying...selling...redecorating...Quite the property tycoon! I love all the little details that bring the room to life.

  5. Looking good! I like the wallpaper with the rug, and the sideboard is a nice addition to the room. The floor looks lovely. I would never have guessed it started as spatulas (maybe we would call them coffee stirrers in the U.S.?). It's so smooth and even, and it just gleams like well-polished hardwood!

    1. Thank you Deborah. I think you call them popsicles.

  6. Oh what fun to have gotten to finish another room, Polly! I do love the bold paper and think it's a perfect compliment for the tone of the furnishings! The filled china cabinet looks smashing, too!

    1. Thank you Jodi. I'm so pleased I chose that paper.

  7. Such a lovely room, Polly. I'd like to move right in and invite other dolls to dinner.

  8. Very impressive. I especially like the cabinet full of crockery and the miniature fruit.

  9. Oh you have so much patience and extremely steady hands Polly, looks amazing! Loved the floor made out of spatulas, brilliant! What a thoughtful and excellent Christmas present, there will be no stopping you now 😉 Here's wishing you all the very best for 2020 💙

    1. Thank you Grace. I think I will have lots of fun with it :-) x

  10. It can be hit or miss when it comes to ordering wallpaper online; however yours is definitely A HIT!
    It makes your dining room feel very inviting and also where one would like to remain and linger over coffee, long after the meal is finished.

    1. Thank you Elizabeth. I was really pleased with how it all came together.
