20 January 2020

Deal Castle

Deal castle was built by order of King Henry VIII as part of the King's defence programme to protect against invasion from France and the Roman Empire. It was a purpose built fort equipped with big guns, a keep, inner and outer bastions and a moat. Although it remained armed, during the 18th and 19th centuries it was adapted to form a private house for the castle's captain, which was by now an honorary position.

In 1904 the War Office concluded that the castle no longer had any value either as a defensive site or as a barracks and it was opened to the public when the captain was not in residence. Early in the Second World War the captain's quarters were destroyed by German bombing forcing Deal's then-captain, William Birdwood to move to Hampton Court Palace, and the castle became an observation post for an artillery battery placed along the shore line. The castle was not brought back into use as a residence and was restored by the government during the 1950s to form a tourist attraction. It is now operated by English Heritage.
There wasn't as much to see as in previous castles, we were a tiny bit disappointed.

We finished the day with a stroll along the cliffs.

Be warm and well ~ 
Polly x


  1. Sorry to read you were a little disappointed but looks like the views from the cliffs more than made up for it.

    1. We had been somewhere else that day (can't remember where though!) so it wasn't a disappointing day :-)

  2. A shame you can't see what it was like as the captain's private residence. Presumably he had plenty of home comforts to make the spartan surroundings a bit cosier!

    1. The interior is spartan but it might have been made more homely with soft furnishings of the day!!

  3. I love those cobblestones!

    I hope Prince Harry and Meghan will be happier now in a more private life, too. I suspect they'll still see all they want of the Royal Family on special occasions as such, just like anyone's kids. I still don't want my tax dollars going toward their security, though. If they're truly a private couple now, then they should pay for security like any other wealthy private person who needs it.

    1. I agree, they've chosen to live in Canada but you shouldn't have to pay anything towards their security bills.

  4. Any castle visit would be interesting for me! Your first and last books listed on your profile page are also favorites of mine.

    1. We have loads of castles, I like medieval history.

  5. ...it certainly was built to last, bridges and roads here never seem to hold up!

    1. They certainly were, and without any heavy lifting gear!

  6. Good golly, you live in such a wonderful place, Polly. I would love to go there.

    1. Hi Sheila, there are loads of lovely places to visit within easy driving distance. Kent in particular because the castles were built as defences from attack.

  7. What a beautiful place. I want to visit.

  8. I can see why you might be a bit disappointed, especially if you had to travel far to get there, but its history is impressive and the views certainly show why it made for an effective outpost!

    1. We had visited other places so we had a good full day, and the walk was lovely :-)

  9. It's a sturdy old castle Polly, lot's of history attached. I beg the walk along the cliff was bracing!

    1. We did have a lovely walk along the cliff side :-)

  10. how I would love to see that in real life, maybe one day! A walk outside by the cliffs sounds wonderful.
