1 January 2020

Bad Habits

So, I woke up this morning with a headache, blocked sinuses and that pulsing seashore sound in in my right ear. I felt hungover but .... I only had one small glass of alcohol last night so it wasn't that. I think I know the cause -  a week of over indulgence, eating way too much rich food and chocolate finally catching up with me. I met my friend M in town yesterday for coffee and a catch up. I felt uncomfortable, my trousers were tight, even my coat felt tight! 
On the plus side though my back is finally recovering from a week of pain after tweaking a muscle as I was leaning over brushing the dogs!
I don't usually make New Year resolutions, but I must ditch the bad habits and revert to sensible eating and drinking more water.
Be warm and well ~ 
Polly x


  1. It will actually be a relief to get back on a regular eating schedule, with regular food, again. Happy New Year, Polly!

    1. Hi Debra. It definitely will. I had steamed fish and veg yesterday and chicken and rice this evening, much better :-)

  2. Och Polly, hoop dat je snel herteld van alle ongemakken, en hoop
    dat je snel weer helemaal beter zult zijn.'
    Wens je een prachtig jaar 2020 met goede gezondheid en vrede op aarde

    Lieve groeten,

  3. When you live a healthy life and then indulge, you can really tell the difference. Be well!

    1. I know, and it takes a long time to get my system back on track!

  4. I FEEL your pains, Polly and your New Years resolutions happen to be Exactly the same as mine!

    1. Hi Elizabeth, here's to us both sticking to our resolutions! :-)

  5. Hope you feel better soon. Sensible eating and drinking more water is on my list too. Happy New Year.

    1. Hello mama, it's good to hear from you. I started to feel better soon after drinking more water x

  6. I think we all feel that way over the holidays, Polly. Rest assured you are not alone!

    1. Hello Jeanie, yes it is, I just lose all my willpower :-( x

  7. I hope your back is now fully recovered. I also did something to my back last summer while I was pruning a bush in the garden. Anti-inflammatory drugs seem to be quite effective.

    1. Thank you Nick, it is slowly improving. I haven't taken any tablets today and it hasn't been too bad. It's annoying how easily it happens. I can recommend Nurofen plus.
