30 October 2015

Family And Birthdays

Last Friday we journeyed to St Helens to stay with relatives for a few days, celebrating two birthdays while we there, my son-in-law on the Sunday and an early celebration for my grandson, and I finally got to visit Liverpool. On previous visits we’ve been snowed in or doing other things. I can’t believe I forgot my camera! so once again I bought some postcards of places visited, and scanned them! -  Reason No. 1 to return.

Liverpool, probably best known as the home of the Beatles 

On the left the Royal Liver Building, opened in 1911, is the home of the Royal Liver Assurance group, set up in the city in 1850 to provide locals with assistance related to losing a wage-earning relative. Today the Royal Liver Building is one of the most recognisable landmarks in the city and is home to two fabled Liver Birds that watch over the city and the sea.
Legend has it that were these two birds to fly away, then the city would cease to exist. 
Along with the Cunard Building and the Port of Liverpool Building they comprise the Three Graces.
We didn't get to take The Ferry Across The Mersey - Reason No.2 to return

Albert Dock
the brilliant Tate Liverpool gallery of modern and contemporary art 
the Maritime Museum
lots of lovely shops and eateries

There were 7 of us and only two knew the city well so we decided to stay together which unfortunately
meant that those of us who wanted to go to the cathedral were outvoted in
favour of shopping - Reason No. 3 to return

all those shops and the only thing I bought was a cheap and cheerful pair of pyjamas,
but I had bought two, not one, but two pairs of boots in Manchester the previous day!

 There were some very good buskers

Back home on Monday, blood test on Tuesday for cholesterol.

My gorgeous grandson’s 12th birthday on Wednesday, he is a delight,
even when he's rehearsing  to be a surly teenager!
We celebrated 
Lovely daughter and myself drove grandson and his friends to a trampoline park 

waiting for dodge ball to start

after working up an appetite with all that jumping they were ready for burgers

and what better way to round off the day than with a visit to my favourite chocolate shop.


  1. What a packed Post! The trampoline park looks good fun but I'd trade it for the chocolate any day ;-)

    1. Hi Simon, it is and they make it look so easy. My grandson got his first trampoline when he was only 3. I used to have a go back then but now prefer to watch! The chocolate is gorgeous, from Hotel Chocolat

  2. That's a coincidence - A Bit About Britain has been to Liverpool recently too. It's a buzzy place, isn't it? Plenty of reasons to revisit. Love your photos - and it looks as though you had a brilliant time.

    1. Thank you Mike. I saw your lovely post, I was hoping to see that colourful ferry. I didn't think we would go, what with other things and birthdays planned. I thought about spending a long weekend there to truly appreciate it, but it was so easy to get to by train so next time I go to St Helens I will probably request a few visits with my friend.

  3. I havent been to Liverpool for years and years, and I suspect it has brightened up a lot since then. it always had the potential to be very interesting and was just starting to turn the corner when I visited. A trampoline park. How I would have loved that as a child, and in fact I can't imagine any child NOT liking it !

    1. We only saw a small part of the city, but I think there is a huge amount to see and do. The shopping centre is vast with all the usual high street shops but also some very nice market stalls and entertaining buskers. My grandson loves his trampoline.

  4. Looks like a good weekend, You should definitely return :-)

    1. Hello Amalia, yes it was a lovely weekend, and I hope I do get back to Liverpool x

  5. Liverpool looks really good. I've never been but I'd really like to go some day. My mother lived in Liverpool for a few years before I was born.

    1. Hello Gillian, I hope I manage to visit again, I particularly want to visit the Cathedral and take a trip on the ferry across the Mersey :-)
