15 October 2015

The Dolls House

Work on my dolls house is usually confined to the winter months, however, I needed warm dry weather to spray paint various parts of it outside. 

First up was the house itself. Cutting extra windows in the side panels left marks around each one. It needed a couple of coats on each side. They don't look the same colour because of different lighting but they do blend very well with the colour of the rest of the house.

Before and After

Next were some banisters and the door for the room at the top of the house, some windows and patio doors. This work had to be done outside because of the mess and the fumes. I used an upturned stool and a piece of cardboard to balance and stand some items on. I strung the windows across the stool, and hung the patio doors on the clothes line - slightly Heath Robinson.

The basement is going to be a garage on one side and a utility room on the other. I wanted the walls to have a whitewashed brick effect. I covered them with an embossed brick paper then sprayed them. 

I sprayed the stairs on the other side of this door first

then the whole area. Next I put the patio doors in, put a key plate on the door 

and fitted the lights, which had to be shortened as they were far too long. 

After fitting the lights I realised I wanted to put an opening in the top of the staircase at the back, leading from the basement to the ground floor. I knew it wouldn't be easy but I also knew it would bug me forever more if I didn't do it. So that was my next job.........


  1. I love this and look forward to seeing it progress. I bought my daughter a dolls house about 10 years ago, a real bargain at £40 from a Charity shop. It's beautiful with bay windows to each side of the porch and a bay window on the side. It was complete with furniture and decorated for Christmas, such a find! It's gathering dust and has had a few bits knocked off it over the years but I keep meaning to get it out and clean it up and hopefully get some repairs done. It even has electrics although we have never had them working and the plug was cut off.

    1. Hello Sarah, I hope to get quite a lot done over the next few months. Your dolls house sounds lovely, maybe you could donate it to a hospital for the children's ward, or an elderly people's home so that it can be enjoyed and admired again :-)

  2. It looks great! I love watching a project take shape...
    Looking forward to the next update

    1. Thank you Si, I'm looking forward to working on the house over the next few months. Your projects are out of this world, I just know I'm going to be inspired by them :-)

  3. It's looking good! Don't think I'd ever have the patience.....

    1. Thank you John. A couple of sites I follow, they have an infinite amount of patience and their projects are stunning.

  4. Oh - brilliant! Didn't realise you did that - good for you. What is the fascination for things in miniature? Anyway, it's looking good...like John, I wouldn't have the patience. But I'm looking forward to seeing the project unfold.

    1. Thank you Mike. I’m not entirely sure what the fascination is myself but I do get completely absorbed in it. I had a dolls house as a child. I bought one on impulse seven years ago, and this one last year. I’ve always enjoyed home improvement, DIY and decorating so I like that aspect. Also I can be flamboyant and unrestrained, maybe even ostentatious! Looking around at various blogs there are some amazing projects from ultra modern to stately homes!
