19 October 2015

Buster's Diary

One of our walks involves crossing this bridge, over a stile and into a field that leads into other fields. It's a nice walk and used to be a regular one until the bridge broke. We continued to use it occasionally until the day I refused to cross it on the way back from our walk, it was starting to get a bit wobbly. SL tried to coax me across, then she got cross, then tried coaxing again. When none of that worked she said we would have to backtrack to cross the stream at another point. She and Rufus came across the bridge, she was a bit cross as it was going to add time to our walk so I crossed back over the bridge. I don't know why she said a rude word, I thought she would be pleased. 

The bridge has now been replaced with this metal one. SL thought it was ugly said it was a shame they didn't replace it with a nice wooden one, but it's only a bridge in a field not a runner up for an architectural award.

We have had some lovely weather on our morning walks lately, 
a little cooler but most days have been gloriously sunny. 

Fields are being ploughed 

and this crop has been harvested, it looked like grass, I don't know if it's winter feed for cows or horses. Rufus hadn't seen any of these bales before, he started barking at them from a distance,
then he followed me onto the field for a closer look. 

He had a good sniff round this one, peed on it, then oh oh he found it, 
yes he found something gross at the side of it. 

SL got to him in time to stop him getting it all over himself like last time, but just this small amount was bad, it smelt disgusting and he had to have a wash when we got home.

No I wasn't eating these. SL heard on the radio that there has been a bumper crop of wild mushrooms due to all the rain we have had and that many of them are ok to eat. She was going to pick them and look online to see if they were ok but she kept forgetting to take a carrier bag out with her!! 

Those horrible, nasty harvest mites are still bothering me, I thought they had gone, as if that's not enough to cope with, last week I injured one of my paws. I think I cut the soft bit in between two of the pads. It was bleeding profusely when we got home, SL rinsed it with some water and wanted to have a look at the damage but I wouldn't let her. 

Wonder if I can manage to jump up onto the sofa.
I missed a few walks and I've been hopping around on three legs but I'm much better now.


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you Gillian, it's much better now.

  2. Isn't it beautiful at this time of year? The light is so perfect and the colours are glorious. I would have been wary of crossing the bridge too. Hope busters paw is ok.

    1. All healed now thank you Sarah. That last time we crossed it was scary, feeling it wobble underfoot. The new one is very sturdy.

  3. I enjoyed our morning walk. There is nothing better than a crisp autumn morning. I wish the season would last longer :-)

    1. Me too, I fear the crisp mornings are on their way out, being replaced with damp and soggy :-( Have a good weekend x

  4. Hmm, I think I agree about that top bridge!

    1. Hello Jenny, it's good to hear from you, it was very unnerving.

  5. Hmm, I think I agree about that top bridge!


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