4 November 2015

Bucket List

I have been busy de-cluttering cupboards and drawers. I'm not a natural de-clutterer, I like keeping things, either for sentimental reasons or because "it might be useful one day" so whilst some stuff was thrown away, when it came to my diaries they stayed in the cupboard.
I started my first diary after I was married in 1968 and have kept one every year since. I don't do anything with them, they just stay in the cupboard but I can't bear to throw them away, my photos are a treasured pictoral history of  mine and my daughter's lives, and my diaries are a written history.
I made a cup of coffee and settled down for a trip down memory lane. In 1998 I was surprised to find that I had compiled a bucket list which I had completely forgotten about! 
1. Take a trip on Route 66   drove along part of it in 1996 in Williams en route to the Grand Canyon
2. Travel on the Rocky Mountain Train Route
3. Walk the Great Wall of China   Would've loved to have done this but over the last few years I have          come to dislike China's politics and therefore won't be going.
4. Visit India   did this in 2009
5. Travel on the Trans Siberian Express
6. Trek to Everest Base Camp   did this in 2012
7. Do the Sydney Harbour Bridge Walk
8. Climb Ayers Rock   did this in 1994
9. Walk the Inca Trail
10.Visit Lapland to see the Northern Lights
11. Scuba diving    Had a trial run in 2014 with a diving club but didn’t get very far down, it                             appears have an inner ear problem, so no exotic diving holidays to the Maldives for me!
12Go on safari   went to Tanzania in 2013 and Zambia in 2014

mmm 6/12 better get a move on if I am to complete it!! 

China is being replaced with visit Cuba, which is booked for next March.

I'm not sure I want to do the Inca Trail now.


  1. Well, we'll keep tuned then!
    After doing a lot of travelling in the 1980s I fell seriously out of love with air travel so I doubt I'll ever do any of those things myself.

    1. Hello John, I will cross another one off after next March, but I'm not sure what's next!

  2. How amazing to have diaries reaching back almost 50 years! I wish I'd done that but I guess my blog is kind of a diary (although only 5 years old). I don't think that 6 out of 12 on your bucket list is a bad score considering how big the things are. I've never compiled one and I'm not sure what I would put on it if I did, maybe a visit to the Galapagos Islands to see the giant tortoise. I think that would be pretty high on my list.

    1. Hi Sarah, my mother always kept diaries so that's probably how I started. Nowadays though I don't really write much in them, just use them for appointments etc. The Galapagos Islands is a good one to start with :-) x
