14 August 2015

Today's Walk

The Dog's Diary

Oh dear, look at us, soaked to the skin. Scary Lady got it so wrong today. Even she got wet because she only had her flimsy shower coat on. When we set off it was damp underfoot because it had been raining during the night, but SL said the weather forecast said humid and cloudy but no rain. hmmm she needs to change her weather forecaster.......

It's taken her most of the morning to post this, the internet thingy isn't working very well, it's an ongoing problem, she got a bit cross. She's talking to someone online about it now. 
We're dry now, so she will brush us soon. 
Have a good weekend.


  1. Such sad looking dogs. Was SL just as drowned?

    1. Hello John, yes she was, her clothes were clinging to her. We always look sad when we get home soaking wet and have to stay in the kitchen until we're dry.

  2. Thank you for this fun post, Polly! I hope you will have sunnier days.
    Have a great weekend!

    1. Thank you for your lovely comment Sara. I hope so too, maybe I need to take my proper waterproof now x

  3. Whoa! They certainly got a good soaking today! Time for the hairdryer and curlers me thinks!! :-) xx

    1. ha ha, Rufus might like the hairdryer, Buster would be scared stiff, if the hoover is in his way he won't go round it, he won't even walk over the cable! When they've been brushed their coats are beautifully curly :-) Have a good weekend xx
