19 August 2015

Buster's Diary

Harvest Mites

I'm suffering from harvest mites again. Last year my legs were so red they looked as if they had been burned. It isn't quite as bad this time because Scary Lady started treating them sooner.

Last year a £90 visit to the vet prescribed some drops to put on my neck, some shampoo and one of those elizabethan collars to stop me licking my legs. The collar was too big and therefore failed to do the job, and I'm not convinced that the drops or the shampoo made much difference. My legs recovered but I think that was more to do with the decline of the mites season.

This year Scary Lady is treating me with the shampoo which is still in date and Frontline spray that she bought at the vets.

Some days it's very bad, my legs are red and there are lots of tiny scabs on my feet. SL is searching online for information about the condition and considering using some kind of organic treatment. 

I get lots of attention though because they all love me very much and don't like to see my legs and feet affected like this.


  1. Poor thing, its so hard to see them suffering isn't it? My dog Gus reacts very badly to fleas and we have a real problem with them at the moment. I've been researching online and apparently chinchilla dust is an effective non toxic way of treating them. it may be worth checking if it helps with mites too.

    1. Hi Sarah, I searched for chinchilla dust and found a really cute video on youtube of a chinchilla having a great time rolling around in a bath of dust! I also heard that Neem oil is good, it has some good reviews. He's not too bad at the moment and he is due another shampoo tomorrow, so that should help.

  2. Uck! Tom The Backroads Traveller

    1. It's not horribly messy and not as bad as last year thank goodness.
