22 August 2015


Harvest "The act or process of gathering in a crop"

We are surrounded by fields of crops, usually a mixture of rape and wheat but this year
it has been just one field of rape and the rest were wheat. 

I'm always amazed at how well it grows in such dry conditions.

The wheat has been harvested and baled.

I will be harvesting blackberries soon to make apple and blackberry pies and crumbles,
with real custard, delicious :-)

Have a good weekend.


  1. Lovely photos Polly - I love to see proper bales rather than the huge polythene covered bundles. I'm watching the blackberries too although I still have a freezer full of fruit from last year that I've been carefully rationing because I'm always worried about running out!

    1. Thank you Sara, they do look much nicer, they're all stacked in various barns now. I freeze lots of pies and crumbles. I also have loads of runner beans in the freezer from last year! but I'm eating this year's crop at the moment.

  2. I used to work on a farm many years ago. I enjoy harvest-time so much more when it's someone else doing the work!

    1. Hi John, it used to be very hard work. The giant machines used nowadays are amazing.

  3. Mmm... fresh blackberries, what a treat! I made a raspberry and blackberry cobbler yesterday, but the berries were quite tart so I needed to use a lot of sugar {{smiles}}

    Beautiful pictures, dear Polly. Hugs!

    1. Hello Stephanie, oooh that sounds good. I have a very sweet tooth so I have to add lots of sugar too x
