29 April 2024

We Bought A Pub!

Yes dear reader, along with lots of other villagers I am a proud part owner of the village pub. The money raised by us and the government funding scheme secured the deal. The dedicated and hard working steering group have done a great job, working tirelessly for months on end for no reward other than to get the pub back open. They also visited lots of other community owned pubs around the country, and all but one of them are thriving. We are confident that we can make it work but not blinkered to the reality that it is going to take a LOT of HARD work to undo 2 years of neglect and modernise it. Being a listed building will probably slow things down and add a few hoops to jump through. And when we get that done we hope that people will come back to patronise it.


Bluebell wood is looking very pretty and smells lovely.

Sunshine, birdsong and Rufus running around lifts my heart.

∼ Be safe and well∼ 
Polly x


  1. Now THAT is unbelievably wonderful! I can't wait to see photos of the pub -- before and after -- and hear how it will be run. Very exciting. And Bluebell Wood is so charming!

    1. I will take lots of photos and will do more posts on our progress.

  2. That's exciting! Good luck and may you have great success!

  3. WO-HOOO well not many people I know own a pub !! Will you get special prices??

  4. That is so heartwarming! Maybe Netflix will help and make a show:)

    1. It would make an interesting documentary with all the other community pubs.

  5. Wonderful, Polly! Cheers to new adventures.

  6. Good luck to you all - when we lived in Hertfordshire a local pub in the village of Preston was bought by the community in 1982. It was the very first community owned pub, and it is still going strong today.

    1. Thank you Rosemary, we're all very excited!

  7. Good for you all to have saved the local pub and sure the community will all come together to renovate as well. It will surely be a great meeting up place.

    1. We have a good group of volunteers clearing up and stripping wallpaper!

  8. What a great idea for a community to pull together like that. I hope it thrives! Love the bluebell woods - it's my dream to one day visit England during bluebell time.

    1. Thank you Lorrie. I hope you manage to get here one day :-)

  9. How fantastic! Very Ambridge. Well done.

    1. I used to be a dedicated listener to the omnibus on Sundays but I've lapsed! it must be about a year since I last listened to it, I kept forgetting!
