25 March 2024

Holiday Roundup

Oh dear, I'm back home, missing my daughter and the glorious weather. When we landed at Heathrow at 5.15 pm the temp was 6deg, later I was warming my pj's on the radiator!! I 


Back in Oz we were hoping to visit the Gold Coast but the weather had been bad with high winds resulting in many of the beaches being closed. 

After a delicious breakfast at Espresso Garage we went here

how good is this, a beach in the middle of the city

enjoyed by all!

It's a lovely walk in the Southbank area

Ibis are found all over the place, they are considered a nuisance and have the nick name of 'bin chucks' because they are always scavenging in rubbish bins.

We've had a great time together and created lots of happy memories.

∼ Be safe and well∼ 
Polly x 


  1. If your daughter is going to live permanently in Australia, have you ever thought of emigrating there so you could live nearer? (I don't know how easy or difficult that might be).

    1. Hi Debra, it's something I have given a lot of thought to. When she first went out I did think about emigrating, but I had a grandson here, and I knew he would be my only grandchild. I then thought about 6 months there and 6 months here, but coulnd't afford two homes so annual holidays was the only solution. I wouldn't get in now as they only want highly skilled workers or young people :-(

  2. Looks like you saw some wonderful sights. I think the best part for you was probably seeing them in the company of your daughter.

    1. It was Lorrie, and it was extra special this time as my eldest daughter went with me.

  3. Welcome home, Polly. Your holiday looks like a dream. Don't worry -- it'll warm up soon!

    1. Thank you Jeanie, I am feeling much better now, we've had some sunny days, and the birds are singing every day :-)

  4. Welcome back, Polly, although I can well imagine how hard it was to leave OZ with its warmer temps and such lovely scenics.

    1. Thank you Beatrice. It was but I'm settling back into routine now.

  5. Sounds like a wonderful time.
