26 November 2022

Another Chromebook

Proof, if proof be needed that I am sometimes a silly old woman, was confirmed when I revisited Currys website where I purchased my Chromebook.
In September I posted about my new chromebook saying that it was a touchscreen which I hadn't ordered but that someone must have sent by accident. HOWEVER turned out it WAS a touchscreen, I just hadn't noticed when I ordered it!! The word touchscreen wasn't in the title description but further down in product details. Anyway I was happy with it, the touchscreen mode was super fast......but with what I think might be a bit of arthiritis in both elbows it was tiring and a tad painful using my arms, so I mostly used the cursor......UNTIL it disappeared. It re-appeared after re-starting but then disappeared again. This kept happening for a few days until finally it didn't re-appear. I looked online for a fix, nothing worked, and when re-setting back to factory setting didn't work I took it into the store where a tech guy tried all the things I had tried, to no avail. 40 minutes later I asked for a refund or replacement. Now I have chromebook #2, it's not a touchscreen 😀

∼ Be safe and well∼
    Polly x


  1. I hope the Chromebook works better for you!

  2. Hope that you like the new one better and that, importantly, it lasts!

    1. I do hope so, if it doesn't I will go back to a laptop!

  3. It's bad that the touchscreen wasn't highlighted but you only realised after you had bought it. I hope chromebook #2 is more what you wanted.

    1. It was Nick, I know I should have read all the information, but I wonder how many others overlooked it. If #2 doesn't work out I will go back to a laptop.
